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By the time Sally emerged from the cells, Tony and Thor had filled the others in. Everyone sitting in the living room waiting for the younger Rogers to reappear with additional information. Steve and Nat sat side by side staring hard at the elevator, almost willing it to open and for Sally to show up safely. Bucky stood off to the side with Sam as both anxieously avoided the rest of the group. Tony called Pepper and Wanda in as Loki and Clint sat facing the four who were obviously freaking out in their silent ways. 

Clint and Loki shared a tense look, Clint still being wary of Loki due to the past but recognizing that they were the only two aware of the anxious panic the other four were exuding. Yelena simply lounged in another corner, seeming completely bored as she slyly watched all of the Avengers present. 

Loki stood to approach Sam and Bucky, placing a hand on each of the men's shoulders. "She is stronger than you realize. We all know that if there is something to find, she will do it."

Bucky and Sam both relaxed slightly and nodded their appreciation to Loki as their eyes turned to a worried Steve and a less than calm Nat. Clint moved to sit on the table in front of his best friend and reminded her that Sally was a pro and able to handle anything thrown her way. Steve didn't seem to like the reminder but Nat smiled slightly and thanked Clint by patting his knee before turning her attention to Steve and calm his own nerves. 

Sally finally stepped onto the landing and glanced around the room before moving to sit next to Tony and holding his hand; Something that everyone noticed quickly. "She has been at this for months. She was distracted by the Super Soldiers. The people who employed her wanted the Winter Soldier and everything pertaining to the serum and all of the variations and/or failures that there have been in regard to it. She made the rookie mistake of believing her lie and fell for the mark. Well, the mark and his best friend."

Sally smirked coyly at Nat and Yelena as she commented on rookie moves. Clint smiled and nodded in Sally's direction as he caught the move. The others tensed as they considered who hired the would be agent. "Did she give you a clue as to who hired her?" Tony turned to Sally and watched her eyes search through her memory after Pepper asked the question. 

Sally stood and paced as she tried to think of how to tell the team about her theory. Wanda and Loki both smiled gently as they encouraged her to tell the others. 

"I think whoever it is, they are connected to Ultron and everything that went down with him. I can't be sure who it is but it makes sense. The fact that she had only known for a few weeks before I stepped into the picture. Steve only knew about Bucky so she was on the same track as him. This whole situation is too coincidental. Even Kingpin served a purpose in this whole thing. He was what drove me back towards Ultron because I was avoiding his men. This entire thing is a mess. I need to think it through some more but, someone is playing us like a game, almost herding us towards someone or something. Time will tell what the endgame is."

Bucky and Steve snapped their heads to her when they heard the waver in her voice. Something was wrong and before either of them could move to her, she stepped to Bucky and leaned against him. It was enough to make him blink in surprise before wrapping his arms around her. She hadn't used him for comfort like this since before he fell from the train. She was the one to hold him every time he needed her and would run away when she felt like breaking. He decided that he would do everything in his power to make sure she knew that he was always there to be her support and rock whenever she wanted or needed him to be. 

Steve simply watched his sister burrow into his best friend's chest and reminded himself that she was going to marry him. They needed to have the trust and support that was being exhibited. Turning to Nat, he opened his arms and let her lean against him while they sat on the couch. Tony seemed to sit back and claim his entire seat as Pepper curled against him and watched the others mill around as the atmosphere slowly relaxed. 

Sally was happily half listening to Sam, Loki, Wanda, Yelena, and Thor talk while she was tucked under Bucky's arm, securely against his side when suddenly he tugged her away from the others. "Come with me Doll."

Sally felt herself being spun and danced out of the tower and onto the balcony that overlooked the city. "Buck, what are you doing?" She felt flushed as his eyes seemed to hold so much more intensity than she had seen previously. He pulled her close and kissed her before spinning her to face the cityscape as fireworks went off all over the city. Her eyes widening as she remembered back to her first fireworks. Her eyes misted thinking of how Howard had shooed his own date away to dance with Sally under them as the entire city celebrated another year. He had never kissed her but he made sure she got the last dance of the year with her best friend. 

Turning to thank Bucky, her hands flew to her lips as she found him kneeling before her. He lifted the velvet box, opening it to reveal the perfect ring. The pear ring was nestled in the white gold band that was so delicately crafted, it appeared to have vines wrapping around it to keep the diamond in place. Sally gasped in recognition. 

"Sally, I know I asked you before but, this is your last chance. If you don't want to be tied to me for the rest of your life, tell me now. I love you Doll. My best friend's sister, the spitfire that kept us on our toes. The kind woman who held me when I was too lost in nightmares to recognize reality. I love you and I have for years. Please marry me?"

Sally was crying harder than she had in a long time. "Yes. Yes, of course Bucky. I love you so much. How did you find something so close to your mother's ring? It is amazing." 

"Easy, it is her ring. Rebecca's daughter was still alive and I tracked her down. Telling her that her uncle was alive was difficult and she wants to meet you, but it was so worth it when she told me she had the perfect ring. I told her I was looking for a token of my love for you. Something from our time. She produced my mother's engagement ring and I cried at her. She is an amazing woman." 

Sally danced with her head on Bucky's chest as she listened. The ring fit her perfectly and her life was set to begin a new chapter. They would always keep their eyes open for the next bad guy but neither was alone anymore. They had family surrounding them who would always stand with them. Support is not to be taken lightly. Sally smiled into the night as the fireworks finale went off. Bucky leaning down to capture her lips and starting his own firework show within her. 

She could definitely get used to this. 

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