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Sally threw some sweats and a top on, not bothering to look at the outfit before running out of the room and down the stairs to meet everyone else. 

"Nice, love the theme Sunshine."

Sally looked down and laughed. She was wearing black and gold sweats with a crop top that had a picture of Loki's helmet on it and the phrase I am burdened with glorious purpose on it. 

"I don't understand how this keeps happening. I didn't know I owned these." She looked past Loki and locked eyes with a jealous Bucky. In one look, she knew she was going to be lucky if her super healing aided her enough to walk by tomorrow. That thought brought a smirk to her lips. She would take that punishment anytime, so long as it was Bucky who owed it to her. 

Before long, it was time to say goodbye to Eddie and Venom. Both forms hugging her tight. She told them that if they ever needed anything, to get ahold of her. She also shared one of her more morally gray contacts with them in case they ever needed anything the Avengers couldn't help with. 

"He is motormouthed idiot who enjoys walking thin lines. Good luck. Look for the suit similar to Peter's. Trust me, he will enjoy Venom."

The room all gave her confused looks but she just shrugged and moved towards Bucky. Sitting on his lap, she leaned into his ear. "Did you already talk to Steve about the topic you brought up prior to everyone coming up?"

Bucky's face paled as he realized he would need to do that, and soon. Sally saw his face and shook her head at her loveable idiot. "Talk to him, then come see me. No answer from me until you and he talk it out."

With that, she turned and left Wanda, Nat, Yelena, and Pepper joining her. 

Bucky turned to see Steve and Sam talking about some funny thing that Peter had done while Tony wasn't looking. Deciding he needed that answer as soon as possible, he took a step towards his friends only to have Loki block his path. 

"I warned you on that same voicemail what would happen if you got angry with Sunshine over us going out. She has been through enough."

Bucky was still trying to figure out what to say to Steve and wasn't really listening to the God in front of him. "Look Loki, we can do this later. Sally didn't seem to mind my punishment and I really need to talk to Ste-" 

Bucky was cut off by a fist to his jaw. "I warned you. I don't care if she likes your punishments or not. Do you have any idea how difficult last night was for her? You don't even know everything she went through. None of you do." Loki's eyes cut to a concerned Steve and Sam who were watching to make sure the fight didn't get too out of hand. 

"I saw enough Loki. Trust me, there are some things I will never forgive myself for because I wasn't there for her." Steve looked down before meeting the icy eyes of the Asgardian. 

"So you saw what happened during the, interrogation after she showed interest in those mewling whims of Midgardian garbage?"

Steve looked confused and Sam tilted his head. Bucky was the only one who seemed to recognize it was really important. "What happened?"

Loki's gaze seemed to grow even colder before telling the trio that his Sunshine had only just begun opening up about it and it was not their secret to tell. "She must tell you when she is ready. Just please stop pushing her away because you may end up losing her, again." Loki smiled the signature cold smile before wandering off to find Thor and Banner. 

Before any of the guys could say something, Sally walked out and asked if anyone knew where Tony was. The three pointed towards the lab and off she went.

Steve and Bucky both turned to Sam. "Do you know what he was talking about?"

"That happened before she and I were a couple. That was when we were doing that flirty pre-dating thing that people do. I was still a shoulder and ear for her but she wasn't opening up yet. She got hurt badly though, just after the whole taking out the terrorist that was after Pepper thing. I mean, she was gone for a while and when she came back, she was different. I sat with her for a long time, just showing her I was there for her. Some things can't be said, they have to be shown. She finally showed me some of the leftover injuries, it wasn't pretty. That was actually how things sort of just, progressed. She has been through a lot though."

Bucky was watching the two men before him. Sam remembering the aftermath while Steve looked pale and nauseous. "You saw them, didn't you?"

Steve just nodded as he tried not to let his mind focus on the image too much. Bucky turned to face both of them and decided to change the subject. 

"I- uh, well, I want to ask Sally to marry me."

Both of the others stood silently staring at him. Steve had utter shock written all over his face and Sam had a mix of sadness and excitement. 

"I am still Captain America and if you ever hurt her again, physical or otherwise, our friendship will never be put before her again."

Bucky nodded but before he could confirm he had Steve's blessing, Sam spoke up. 

"I think you need to wait until she opens up to you. If you two decide to get married, you need to go into it without secrets or barriers. She loves your dumb ass but, sometimes its the things we keep to ourselves that cost us those we love."

Bucky and Steve glanced at one another before turning back to Sam. Steve nodded his agreement with his friend. Bucky sighed but agreed as well. 

For the first time in a long time, he saw his future again. In that future, all he knew for sure was Sally was there. Smiling to himself more than anything else, he turned to go and find his girlfriend. Maybe this secret is why she wouldn't give him a straight answer.

That thought made his anxiety rise. What could be so bad that she wouldn't want to marry him until he knew but didn't want to tell him? His pace slowed as he approached the lab. 

As he got closer he could hear a panicking Sally and a reassuring Tony. He paused before going in to see what was going on. 

"Tony, what if he blames me? I mean, he could decide that it is enough to not want to be near me anymore, let alone in a relationship with me. I love him, what if he hates me after I tell him?"

"Sweetheart, you didn't know. You forgave him after he killed my parents. You stood between me and him when we found out. You didn't hesitate to stop me from hurting them." 

"That was different. You know that it is different. He gets to do whatever he wants and makes me feel like the bad guy if I disagree with it. Meanwhile, I am not even allowed to leave the tower without his or Steve's okay. God, I am an idiot. That isn't healthy. I- How do I talk to him about anything? What am I doing wrong?"

"Dating a hundred year old assassin would be my first guess as to what you're doing wrong sweetheart. As for the rest of that, deep breath. He loves you too. I am sure he will be understanding and if he isn't, I know of a few Avengers who would gladly kick his ass for you."

Sally laughed while crying.

"What brought the urgency on? You aren't, I mean, you're not expecting again, right?"

"What!?! No! I just, it has been running around in my mind recently."

Bucky barely heard her response. Tony's question, specifically a word, was bouncing around in his head. He stormed into the lab and yelled out a single word. "Again?!"

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