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Sally stood shocked at the interruption while also knowing the anger was valid. Unlike the times he had gotten angry in the past, Bucky twitched as his jaw tightened, almost asking her to answer.

"I was pregnant when you kissed the newest Carter. I didn't know at the time though."

"So, it was my child you were pregnant with?"

"Obviously. Unless you're here to accuse me of sleeping with Tony or Loki again."

"No, Nothing like that. I just was asking. It was a stupid question given the time frame. What happened?"

"I lost the baby after I threw myself into the mission to keep Pepper safe when you and Loki both decided I needed to be alone for months on end."

"Lost the baby?"

"Yes. After I took out the terrorist. I was beaten badly. I had severe cramps and- Yes."

Bucky had slowly moved closer to her as they spoke. "You didn't know you were pregnant when you took the mission on?"

"No. I thought my cycle was off because of it being my first time and I was still much older than most. I didn't have enough information to understand what was going on. Then it was over. I lost our baby. I am so sorry Bucky. I didn't know and I hope you find it in you to forgive me."

Sally had slumped against Bucky's chest as she began to cry over everything. 

"It wasn't your fault. If anything, it was my emotional rollercoaster that made you leave and eventually put yourself in that position. I am so sorry that you went through that alone and I wasn't there for you when you needed it."

Sally cried harder as Bucky just held her. Looking up, he met Tony's eyes which seemed to actually hold an almost approving look in them for the first time since watching the dreaded video.

I am so sorry for all of the pain I have caused you both. Tony shook his head at Bucky, "Don't apologize, just treat her right and better than you did. She deserves the very best."

Bucky returned the genuine smile offered to him by Tony before adjusting his arms and picking Sally up. "C'mon Doll, you owe me an answer."

She chuckled through her tears as she wrapped her arms around his neck and quoting a line from a movie she was determined to introduce to Bucky and her brother. "Take me to bed or lose me forever."

Tony made a disgusted noise in the back of his throat before yelling no at them. 

"What is that from Doll?"

"A movie I am excited to share with you and Steve. I think Nat and Yelena might like it too. Clint says he has seen it too many times to enjoy it anymore." 

Just then, there was a voice in the vents above them as they maneuvered through the halls. "I feel the need. The need for speed." 

Sally laughed harder and Bucky decided to remember to bring up the movie lines during one of their movie nights.

Just as they reached their door, laughing and carefree, Nat and Yelena came from the other end of the hall with Steve and Sam in tow. 

"What are you two laughing at?" Nat raised a brow as she smiled at the couple. 

Before Bucky could even shrug, Sally yelled from her spot against his chest, "Great Balls of Fire!" Sam's eyes widened as he yelled; "Holy shit, it has been forever! We have to watch that! Let's go!"

Sam grabbed Bucky's shoulder while Yelena and Nat enjoyed Sam's enthusiasm as well as Sally infectious laugh. Steve and Bucky felt swept away by the rest of the group but shrugged and allowed them to pull them along. Before long, they were all cuddled up on the couches and about to press play when Wanda, Loki, Thor, Banner, Pepper, and Tony walked in and found seats too. 

Viper's Bite: The Other RogersWhere stories live. Discover now