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Tony had Friday take pictures of all of the sleeping figures cuddled the way that they were. Yelena was laying across Nat and Sally which couldn't have been very comfortable considering Sally was half laying on Loki who had his other arm tucked under a cuddling Wanda. Pepper was laying a little away from the others while still being close to Nat whose hand was in Sally's hair like she fell asleep giving her a scalp massage. 

"Sir, would you like these pictures added to the file from last night?"

Tony started as he considered what kind of pictures they would have taken last night. Before he could ask to see though he told Friday to do that when Bucky came storming back into the room looking pissed. 

"Easy slugger, What's got your panties in a twist?"

"Stark, move." The look on his face was feral and Tony was concerned about what he was going to do. 

"Words, Barnes. Use your words."


With that, Bucky shoved past the stunned billionaire and grabbed Sally up off the ground. He didn't pause or look at anyone else before carrying her from the room. 

The sudden jostling woke up the others on the floor. As they sat up, they noticed the lack of Sally. Loki immediately jumped into a standing position and demanded to know where Sally was. Wanda did the same. Nat, Pepper, and Yelena seemed to be slightly less alert and almost nursing a hangover. 

"Elsa is with the Manchurian Candidate. He did not look happy, what happened last night?"

"Oh we were dancing and drinking here and then there was singing but we wanted to be around people so went to the bar down the street. We closed the place down before playing at a park." There was a brief pause from Wanda as she considered telling them about Sally's breakdown but a small headshake from Loki had her moving on. "Then we came home and fell asleep here."

Steve, Sam, and Tony were all bristling. "We told you to stay here!" 

Yelena decided to speak up because she was over all of the drama. "Always so dramatic. We called first and left a message when it went unanswered. Sally didn't want to have this exact thing happen. She took precautions. Stop being big babies and suck it up. She is a grown woman, great fighter, and all around badass. Stop holding her back and making her second guess herself." With a wave of her hand, she moved to the kitchen to get coffee. 

All three men deflated and then remember an angry Bucky carried Sally upstairs. 

Nat smirked when she saw all three men look towards the stairs. "Leave them. Trust me, she can hold her own if she needs to. I would even put money on her kicking his ass if he goes Caveman on her again."

Clint nodded and added money to hers. Sam and Steve said Bucky was the Winter Soldier and put their money on him. Tony and Wanda shook their heads and placed money on Sally. Yelena laughed at all of them and added her own category. "They don't fight, they make up with great sex instead." 

Steve made a face and turned away with his hands on his hips. "Oh, come on! That's gross. She is my sister and he is my best friend." 

Sam simply shrugged and wagged a finger towards Yelena. "I see you. Forget playing by rules, you change the game."

Yelena smiled as Nat threw a bottle at her. After catching the bottle she moved her head from behind it yelling, "Surprise! Did you honestly expect anything different?"

Just then there was a thud upstairs that had Sam's eyes flying wide. "We need to leave now."

Tony and Steve both turned to him while Yelena stood looking smug. Loki nodded at her, showing he was impressed. 

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