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Sally walked onto the secret prison with all of Tony's friends in their own section in their cells. Tony followed behind her, claiming she was one of his assistants when asked about her presence. She walked over to Clint and Smiled at him, looking next to him to see Scott, finally getting to Sam, she asked him where they would have gone. Tony snuck up behind her to tell him they only had a few seconds before security was up and running again. Sam told them about the other Super soldiers which made Sally swallow as she thought about the day she had to either subdue or put down her friends. Bucky would have taken Steve there to ensure the Baron couldn't wake them. 

"Don't lead the government to them." Sally assured him they wouldn't. She and Buck had handled it the first time and if necessary, they would handle it again. Together, she and Tony left, telling the Secretary of State that they had no idea where they went and that once again, they were told to shove it just like the group had been saying to him since they arrived. 

What neither of them noticed was the extra time he took to assess the appearance of Sally. He knew there was more to the woman than anyone was saying and it was time to figure out what it was. 

Tony took the time to ask Sally what fields she excelled in and what her weak points were so he knew what to help cover if they ran into any other awake winter soldiers. 

"Tony, Bucky and I trained Nat. I was trained to be an assassin as well as a soldier. I have my weak points but not something I just come out and admit. Tell me, what are yours?"

Tony sat up and scrunched his nose for a moment before admitting she had a point and he had none. He was Iron Man. 

"That is a weakness in itself. I don't need a suit or gadgets. I am the weapon."

Tony took a moment to consider her words before nodding along with her. Maybe it was time for him to perfect his nanotech so he didn't have to reach for a suit in the future. He wasn't sure why he hadn't thought about having it in a small enough space that it could be worn at all times but he now had so many ideas in his head. 

"I know that look. Breathe, weed out the bad ideas and then give the good ones more space to grow and build."

Tony looked at the smirking woman. "I saw you. That night, the night my mom thought my dad would leave her. You were the woman in the hood and suit."

Sally sucked in a breath. "I didn't know why he looked familiar. I couldn't place him. It was you who came out to tell him about dinner that night?"

Tony nodded. "He died in a car accident a couple days later. He sent out the message that she- well you- were alive and then he died on his way to accept some accomplishment award. Mom was terrified that if we ever found you, my dad would leave us."

Sally thought about what he was saying and paused. "That is too suspicious. I am almost certain he didn't die in an accident. I don't know what happened yet but, I promise to help you look into it. As for the rest of that? No. Your dad and I- Howard was like another member of my family. He was the one I pushed away the day I found out both my brother and his best friend were gone. I think he was trying to tell me but the two men in uniform spoiled that for him. He looked so broken, and I pushed him away because I thought I was the curse upon the Earth. My parents died, my brother, his best friend, anyone who got close to me died. I didn't want to be the reason your father died. Now learning about his death, I can't help but wonder if it was still my fault."

Sally looked down and sighed deeply trying to keep her emotions in check while Tony looked at her with a renewed sense of understanding. "You always blame yourself?"

She gave him a flirty smirk before winking. "Only when it's my fault."

The two smiled at one another before getting back into the flow of mission prep. 

"Just be prepared for cold. It isn't a vacation in the Bahamas out there."

"Would you enjoy a vacation to the Bahamas Miss Rogers?"

Sally rolled her eyes and shook her head. Her last thought before landing was; Like father like son.

Viper's Bite: The Other RogersWhere stories live. Discover now