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Sally found herself moving towards a new room. "Where are you taking me Devlin?"

"Time to see if you can earn your keep. Boss wants to know just how useful you can be to him, the cause, and the future."

Sally had a sinking feeling. "I am not sterilized but I don't think I can have kids anymore. I was never frozen. I have cycled for years. If your boss wants to use me like that, I am fairly certain that they are gone. I may have my youth but that doesn't mean my eggs are unlimited."

Devlin chuckled and told her how science could fix that. Right now though, they just needed to see inside her head to see if she was useful or deadweight. 

Sally knew that she would be found to be deadweight due to her not wanting to be there. She prepped herself for her death. Silently sending her love to her brother and all those she had grown close to, Sally stepped into the elevator that was to take her to a new lab. She never really understood how anyone could hate a lab. She didn't necessarily enjoy them but the best of things came out of them as well as the worst. They were something to be studied and watched to make sure you knew what side the scientists and doctors within the lab favored. When it came to anything involving Devlin being happy though, Sally tended to assume the worst.

When the doors slid open, there stood the same man from her first day. She tilted her head at him and he tried to focus on anything but her. "I know you're a news journalist. What brings you here of all places?" 

The man never looked at her but told her about the leader wanting to cause harm to their makeshift father and the best way to do that was to harm someone close to him. 

Sally was confused until she walked in and found the metallic suit of a man standing before her. It was not strictly metal, nor was it all flesh. "What kind of hybrid insanity are you?" Sally reached out to touch it, only for the right arm to move and grip her wrist, not painfully but definitely firmly enough for her to know it was much stronger than herself.

"Miss Rogers. I am afraid I need your assistance in completing my mission."

Sally tilted her head as she studied the form in front of her. "How can I help and what is your mission?"

The being went on to introduce himself as Ultron. When Vision had knocked him off of the web and locked him inside of his network, he had hidden one of his metal men and threw everyone off the scent with the mayhem. 

"So, you survived but Wanda lost her brother? How is that fair?"

"I lost my body, the life that was meant for me. My bodies were torn through like dummies in a training field. Don't talk to me about fair. You have no idea what I have had to live through."

Sally raised an eyebrow before rolling her eyes at the insane murder-bot. "We all face struggles in life. What makes you think I would help you?"

The being smiled. His dark eyes seemed to take on a robotic glow as a cage rolled forward and inside was a small man hunched over and curled in on themselves. The dark hair seemed to be glued down by sweat and grime. Sally gasped as the man's face was turned towards the light. "Peter!"

Sally turned back to the being and lunged at him. She didn't expect to get anywhere, what mattered was that he knew she meant to kill him. She landed hit after hit to his face and abdomen. Landing a lucky kick to his ribs before spinning and elbowing him in what would be a kidney. The sad truth was that she knew nothing about his biology or how it may differ from that of humans. She was too angry to remember that though. He began laughing at her attempts while swallowing down the parts that truly hurt. He needed her to help him convince the boy to see things his way. The way that Devlin spoke of her was not the person in front of him now. He had said that she believed as they did but that was obviously not the case. Devlin had also told Ultron about how she would be a weakness to a couple Avengers. Looking through her file as he lifted her by her neck. He saw who she was related to and her past relationships. Then something caught his eyes and he realized what had pushed her to fight him as fiercely as she had.

Viper's Bite: The Other RogersWhere stories live. Discover now