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Sally woke up from a fitful sleep. She may not be happy with Bucky but she hated sleeping without him. She got up and stretched before getting ready for the day. She showered and took the extra time to make sure her skin was buffed and shiny for the shopping excursion she had to go on soon. Heading down to the kitchen to make some food, she saw she was up way too early. The sun hadn't even decided to grace the sky yet. With a sigh, she decided to make a decent breakfast for everyone and put on the first apron she found. It was black with green and purple designs on it. She smiled as she tried to think of who it could belong to before getting to work on a feast fit for kings, which is as it should be considering the king of Wakanda was still a guest in the tower. 

A couple hours later, everyone seemed to be drawn downstairs by their noses, only to find an assortment of coffees and expressoes labeled with little cards as well as waffles, pancakes, different toppings, bacon, sausage, and breakfast ham, and several styles of eggs spread out and waiting for them. Looking at each other, they all shrugged and dug in. Pepper came up the elevator after hearing from reception that  her first meeting had cancelled. She wanted to talk with Sally and Nat about what cues to watch for if she needed saving from an exhausting Tony at the party. When she saw all the food and all of those who lived at the tower there, along with their royal guest, she couldn't help but notice a lack of Sally.

Just as she was about to ask about her, in she walked in a pretty skater dress and vans, her hair in a messy bun and a couple rings adorned her fingers. Pepper looked at her casually cute attire and smiled. "Not exactly HR approved but I like it."

"Apparently I am not going to work today, at either job. I have to go shopping for what to wear to this party tonight."

Pepper turned to face Tony and allowed her frustration to show as she did. "Really Tony? It was supposed to be her first day today."

"First day where and as what?"

Pepper huffed and told Sally to have some fun with the shopping. Tony handed Nat his card as he watched the two women in front of him. He had a feeling that Pepper was bound to be Sally's new best friend and he wasn't sure he liked the sound of that.

After breakfast, it was time to head out. Sally sat in the living room and waited for the girls to get ready. Her phone ringing snapped her out of her thoughts. 

~Phone Call~

Hey Sal. Look, I know me and Buck messed up but we were asked to come to the party tonight. I don't want to surprise you later, so I am letting you know to expect us.

Thank you Stevie. I am glad to be seeing you guys. I was mad that the two men I love were that quick to judge and be hurtful on top of it.
Excuse me, did you just say the two men you... 

Steve's voice trailed off as he realized how hurt he would have been had it been Sally and Peggy treating him like that in the past. 

I am sorry. I know Buck is too. I will encourage him to tell you himself, especially since he is worried about losing you. Not sure how you tamed the ladies man that is Bucky Barnes but you did.

Sally laughed hard before remembering what Buck had once said about her being nobody else's but his and decided then and there to make both her boys sweat at the party later.

You do that Stevie. I am actually running late right now so, I will get back to you later. Got a hot date with the girls. Bye Stevie, love you. Do me a favor? Tell Buck I love him and record the exchange.

I love you too baby sis, but no way in hell am I passing along that message or recording me ever doing so.

Both laughed before hanging up.

~End Call~

The other two girls stood by the elevator ready to enjoy the day with their newest guest.

After getting to the shop, all three decided to buy new dresses for the party. Nat found a gorgeous black cocktail dress that accentuated her curves beautifully while Wanda found a similar cocktail dress that was a bit longer in a beautiful deep red color. Sally wanted something a little longer but still appeared to scream sexy. They all shopped long and hard before finding a beautiful long emerald green dress that had a slit on both sides up past the hip and a deep v neck that only seemed to connect at the natural waist of the dress. Next was shoes and accessories. 

Nat found killer black pumps with matching jewelry while Wanda went with silver greek style sandals and platinum jewelry. For Sally, they found shiny black stilettos that complimented the dress and gold jewelry. Overall, they knew they looked good. With a quick trip to the salon for hair and nails, they came out looking and feeling amazing. Nat secretly hoped they had spent enough to at least make Tony notice they went shopping. 

Just as they got back to the tower, the others were putting finishing touches on the place. Sally called Pepper to come and help her get ready. When she arrived, Pepper was surprised to find a beautiful pale gold silk dress that fit her like a glove. It was a fell below her knees in the front and touched the ground in the back. With a beautiful sweetheart neckline and sleeves that draped over her shoulders, it looked as if it was made for her. Pairing it with red heels and simple diamond studs in her ears. Pepper didn't want to encourage Tony but, she had to admit, he had good taste. 

"Wow, I hate to say it but Tony did really well." 

Sally simply nodded. She didn't feel like correcting the beautiful woman before her. She wanted Pepper to have a good night and was proud to be part of the reason for that, she would share with Tony only because she didn't want him to appear completely useless to the others. 

Just before they were completely ready, there was a knock at the door. Pepper opened it to find both Nat and Wanda looking absolutely stunning. The three were all complementing one another and embracing gently when Sally walked out. 

Pepper was shocked by the bold choice but wouldn't hesitate to admit that Sally looked incredible. Nat and Wanda both smiled and finally asked her why she decided to dress a bit more provocative than her usual style. Sally told the three about the phone call with Steve and how she was tired of being the baby sister of Captain America. She also told them that she was trying to push Buck's buttons after his rude behavior. Tonight she wasn't on his arm and wanted him to remember that she was not just a toy but a person with feelings. 

"I am all for self empowerment and everything but how is dressing like this going to empower you tonight?" Wanda was curious because she had noticed that Sally was a little more modest usually.

"Tonight, he gets to see me move freely around the party, being introduced to everyone. He gets to see what the other's faces will say about my appearance and if someone catches my eye, he knows he can't say a whole lot. Before you ask, no. I am not sleeping with anyone but I can relax and cut loose a bit."

All four women went down to the floor where the party was being held. after walking out, Nat and Wanda went to find Sam and Clint. Both knowing that Steve would steal Sam almost immediately after showing up. Pepper and Sally walked out with their arms linked and went straight to Tony. Sally played up the role of mother hen and started telling both Pepper and Tony what was and was not allowed while out together for the evening. Tony wasn't listening as he was still staring at how amazing Pepper looked. He seemed surprised when she thanked him for her outfit so she turned to Sally only to find her halfway across the room already. "That little troublesome sneak! She never said it was her who did all of this for me."

"She let you think I did it?" Tony was genuinely surprised but was also grateful to have such a person in his life that would allow him to take credit for something he had no part in. "She really is too selfless for her own good." 

Pepper looked at Tony and smiled kindly. Only a few days with Sally in his life and he was already beginning to see what was important in life. She got through to him in a way none of the others could and she was happy to see that none of what they shared seemed to cause sexual tension or romantic feelings towards the other. Tony and Sally really did have it in them to be best friends and Pepper realized that she had potentially found her own best friend in the same woman. "Must run in the family." They both chuckled lightly before heading to the dance floor. 

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