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During the night, Sally found herself dreaming of her past and how she ended up being truly hurt by the winter soldier. She wasn't sure he remembered so she never brought it up but it was stirred up when she saw that woman attached to him the night before. 

Viper, you are needed to work with Soldat. He is currently being prepped for the mission. Tomorrow at 0600 in the garage B. There will be your vehicle and you will be in charge of ensuring the mission is completed. He is the visible party for this though. Got it? 

Viper nodded and said yes sir before returning to her room. Soldat had given her a heated glance several times the day before and she was sure it was finally happening. He was starting to see her as she saw him. She knew that since he was being prepped he would be mission oriented and she would have to wait. That was fine with her. It had only been a few years that they had been training together but his physique, the silent brooding, and worst of all, those piercing eyes that seemed to make her weak every time she saw them; the whole thing did something to her. 

While getting her stuff ready to go, she heard him by her door. She waited to see if he passed but instead, there was a knock on her door. Opening it, there he stood, his hair pulled away from his face with his mask on. She had pulled her's on when she heard him outside the first time. "Training room 15 minutes." Viper nodded and stepped back to close the door as his eyes roamed down her body. They had been doing that more frequently and she wasn't upset by it. As he turned to leave, she admired his body one more time and shut the door to get her shoes on and pull her hair into a high bun on her head. Within a few minutes she was making her way to the training room. Almost as soon as she walked in, he was tackling her, she rolled and shoved him away, standing up and taking a defensive position, he went on the offense again. Every time his hands got close, they were stroking her skin or gripping sensitive areas in a commanding way without causing pain. She soon caught on to his game and played along. Rolling her hips against his if they were flush as they fought to see which would gain their freedom first. At one point, he had her pressed against the wall, his hand on her throat with her back to him. She pressed herself back against him and smiled to herself when he grunted at the contact. "Get out of my grip, Viper." She listened to the roughness in his voice, it wasn't usually that noticable but it was today. She went limp, allowing the wall the brace her, his hand loosening from her neck to find another place to hold her steady. Using the momentary freedom to her advantage, she kicked the inside of his thigh with her heel, throwing all her weight against him and spun as he stumbled back. Facing him, she slid away from between him and the wall. "Good girl." Those words had never had the desired effect when the other men in the facility tried to use them on her but from him, she wanted to hear them again. She ran at him, jumping up as she did, she used her thighs to wrap around his head and grabbed the pipe from above to leverage herself into throwing him back, spinning her weight to the side, he went down while she landed in a standing position. He grunted as he landed, breathing heavier than necessary given their previous training sessions together. "You okay Soldat?" The look in his eyes almost seemed feral before he stood and stormed out of the room. She thought she had hurt him so she followed him out. He turned to her and pinned her against the wall with her back to the wall and his weight pressed against her, holding her there. "Viper, you are more tempting than I gave you credit for. I need a release and it can't be wasted on you. GO!" He released her and stormed off. She felt like she had done something wrong and right at the same time, she followed him again, at a slower pace this time so he had space. What she hadn't expected was for him to make eye contact with another woman, who looked nothing like Viper and ask if she was up for a round. He didn't even bother to try and hide their behavior. He stripped her lower half right there in the hallway, spun her to face the wall and pulled her into the position he wanted. The woman was already moaning by the time his belt was undone. When he slid into her, his eyes snapped up and he stared Viper in the eye as he pounded in and out of the woman leaning against the corner of the wall in front of her. Viper watched as he pumped in and out before pulling back and spilling himself all over her backside and thighs. He righted his pants and thanked the woman before continuing down the hall. 

Viper ran back to her room and claimed then and there that she would never give up her virginity to anyone at Hydra. It would take more than a few slick moves and amazing eyes to fuck her. She cleaned her face before going back to the training room. When she couldn't see the image of the woman begging Soldat to fuck her or his eyes boring holes into her soul as he gave his best to another woman, she stopped. Feeling exhausted, she went to bed. Woke up early to shower, dress, and report to garage B. Viper decided to keep it professional and didn't even look at Soldat unless being spoken to. She filtered the emotions from her features and allowed him to only see her as a coworker, not a friend, not a love interest of hers, nothing. She needed to hit reset on how she dealt with him so she did just that. 

After the mission had proved successful, he spun her to face him. "I can't give you that. I can't give you what you want Viper. It would be too awful to consider. You can't do that with me."

"That is fine Soldat, understood." Before he could think of a way to explain what he meant, there was a man saying that Viper was needed for debrief. Usually they debriefed together, so Viper gave the man a confused look. He licked his lips and asked her to follow him. Viper did so and worked hard not to cringe when the man's hand found the round of her bottom. Seeing Soldat's eyes narrow in on the man's hand, Viper decided to give him the same curtesy he had shown her. Reaching over, she ran a hand down the man's arm. "Wow, you must really be trying to earn a medal for the biggest arms around here. These are impressive." She had no idea how to flirt but she seemed to be doing alright when she looked up at the man through her lashes and she heard him suck in a breath like the room's oxygen was suddenly not enough. "Don't tease a man dame. I really want to see how that uniform of yours works."  She gave a quiet giggle before allowing him to lead her out of earshot of the Winter Soldier. She politely excused herself when they reached the debriefing room. The only trouble was they hadn't liked her answers. The sting of  fists clashing with her skin changed to the memory of their cells and how the ropes bit into her flesh. The next flash was a heat of a knife dividing the skin on her back. Her stomach was next. Then she couldn't hold in the screams that seemed to echo off of every wall around her. Falling through the darkness and snapping her eyes open to find herself in a new space. She tried to jump from bed but there were restraints on both sides, thrashing, she screamed for them to release her. She was terrified and relieved when the restraints gave way. Her head was turned to the side and she found herself looking into the crystal blue eyes of Soldat. She scooted away and cried harder. He seemed so hurt but she couldn't understand why. Her back hit something hard, twisting her head quickly, she found the eyes of her best friend looking back at her. 

Everything came back to her, she was in her room at the tower. She had fallen asleep in Bucky's arms while talking with Loki. Needing to reassure him, she moved back towards Bucky. "I'm sorry Buck. I just had a rough dream, sorry again." Bucky was trying to not cry because he knew that something had triggered it. "What caused the dream? You were screaming towards the end. I couldn't wake you up and I felt so helpless. I thought you were doing better than me but, I can't help but feel like this is my fault."

Loki sat behind her, stroking her arms and back. He had managed to see into her thoughts enough to see what had made her scream. His eyes betrayed his anger. He knew that she had healed so there were barely any scars left from her time there but the ones that remained were there because they were horrific. The scars he worried about most were the ones in her heart, mind, and soul. Loki's eyes furrowed as the thought of killing them flashed through his mind again. Sally's voice brought him back to the present. 

"It was just the stress of the last couple days I think. It was a flashback to a small incident that happened at Hydra then morphed into the some of the time I spent in the cells. Don't worry about it. I usually handle it better." 

Loki and Bucky shared a furious glare directed at those who had hurt her before settling her down between them again. The rest of the night went without a hitch. 

The next morning showed just how unprepared they had been to deal with the rest of the team though.

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