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About halfway through the night Steve and Bucky showed up with a third person around the same time as the bifrost landed the Asgardian brothers on the landing pad and balcony outside the party area.

Bucky was trying to find his girl in the sea of party goers all while dodging the arms of Steve's date who seemed to want the two of them to herself. That was definitely not about to happen. Just as Bucky thought he had seen her, there was a deep booming voice that seemed to echo off of every surface in the room. 



All anybody saw was a green, black, and gold streak running though the room and launching itself at the God of Thunder himself. Almost as quickly, it unattached and yelled the name Loki before jumping up on him too. What shocked the room was the fact that he had a huge smile on his face as he held her to him. 

"Hello Sunshine."

They released one another and the small woman seemed to realize the room was staring she she straightened her dress and avoided all eyes. Meanwhile Loki was taking in her attire and couldn't help but smile wider. "Sunshine, Darling, did you intentionally wear my colors?"

Sally looked down at her outfit and shook her head with wide eyes when she met Loki's gaze. Before she could say another word though, there was a loud crack that sounded through the floor. Steve had hit Thor with his shield and was quickly moving towards Loki. Bucky was coming from the other direction, a move they had practiced and perfected during the Howling Commando days. Sally looked at Loki with concern written on her face. He would not allow her to worry about him though. Taking a defensive stance, he allowed his magic to flow over him and dress him in a battle outfit just as Thor stood next to him, not bothering to change. 

Sally didn't have magic but she was quickly tiring of her brother and boyfriend being so overbearing. She recognized that she probably shouldn't have greeted the brothers the way that she had either but it was too late to change it now. All she could do was prevent the fight from escalating; again. 

Stepping in front of both brothers so that her boys would have no choice than to hit her if they came for the Asgardians, she waited to see what they did. Both stopped under an inch from her on either side. 

"What the Hell Sal!?"

"Why would you greet anyone like that and those names are you kidding me?"

Taking a breath, she went to respond only to have both Asgardian brothers put a hand on each of her shoulders and pull her towards them protectively. 

"Take care in how you speak to Tiny."

"My Sunshine should not have to answer to the likes of you."

"BOYS! I swear, have I not shown you that I can fight my own battles, any of you?"

Thor opened his mouth to defend himself and Loki only to snap it closed when she gave him a death glare. She may have been tiny and reminded him of an angry bunny when mad but no matter how cute the bunny is, when angry the bite still hurts. Loki simply stayed silent watching her for any signs of being overwhelmed. Her brother had never seen anyone shut Thor up and was officially confused. Before he could say anything though, his date had wrapped herself around Bucky and kissed him like he was the hottest thing on the planet. Steve sighed, there went his attraction to her. He and she had been neighbors before he moved into the tower. She was also the one whom he had kissed after she got him and Sam their shield and wings before the fight with Tony. Now here she was clinging to his best friend like he possessed the air she needed to survive. It was in that moment that he realized his best friend was his sister's boyfriend and that she was standing in front of Bucky with an unreadable face as he held the woman closer to him. 

It took Bucky all of five seconds to realize he was kissing a woman he had no interest in. His adrenaline had been too high to register that these weren't the lips he wanted. As his eyes snapped open, he saw the unreadable face he had rarely seen on Sally. The worst part thought was the cold eyes of Viper staring back at him. He was fucked. 

Sharon felt when Bucky had realized what he was doing but she was hoping it was too late. She was not about to have some tiny blonde thing take her men from her. Steve was all but hers already. Bucky was playing hard to get because he had this little whore on his mind. What was she even wearing? When he pulled away, she turned and smiled slyly at the the other woman. She seemed too young for the two super soldiers anyway. 

By this time Pepper and Tony were standing just behind Steve, waiting to see if they were needed. Nat and Wanda flanked Thor and Loki, ready to do whatever was necessary. Clint and Sam were on the second story landing watching from a distance to see if there was anything that the others were too close to see. Bruce stepped up in between everyone and ran his fingers over Sally's wrist. "You okay Sally."

Her voice came out cold, thin, and sharp, almost like an icicle created specifically to stab Bucky in the heart. "I am fine Bruce. Thank you. I think I just remembered why trust is for the weak and witless." 

Without another word, she turned to leave but paused when the blonde woman spoke up. "I don't understand why you're all making a fuss over a barely legal whore."

Sally took a deep breath and smiled tightly at the woman. There weren't many similarities but the personality wasn't too far off. "Carter, right? Sounds about right."

Steve and Tony both looked surprised by the comeback. Loki only nodded slowly while biting his lips. Thor looked lost and Bucky was rubbing his chest absentmindedly, like he had actually been stabbed.

Sharon rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Run along little girl, probably past your bedtime." 

Sally nodded and gave her a genuine smile. "You know what, I think I will go to bed. Thanks grandma."

Sharon's eyes widened as her jaw dropped. She reacted without thinking and took a swing at Sally, only for the other woman to catch it. Sharon was speechless as the smaller woman shoved her backwards by shoving her fist back towards her body. "Don't assume so much Carter. Do your research before making an enemy." 

Sally spun on her heel and headed to the elevator only to have Loki holding her elbow gently. "While she knew what she was doing metal arm over there wasn't thinking clearly. Are you sure you want to leave it this way Sunshine?" He ran a finger down her temple and across her cheek, catching the single tear that had escaped after her confrontation. 

"I don't know right now Loki. All I see behind my eyelids is him kissing her in front of me. I can't look at him right now."

Loki nodded in understanding. Turning back to the party he sent a thought to the witch in the room, she nodded when she got it and led the other redhead from the room to join his friend in her room. They would see that she was tended to. As he approached the group again, he silently glared at the woman who had intentionally hurt his Sunshine. "You, puny mortal, should probably scurry along. I really wouldn't recommend being here when she gets past this portion of her feelings."

Sharon knew better than to start anything with Loki. Turning to Steve, she smiled and put her hand out to lead him away. When he didn't move, she furrowed her brow. "Steve, baby?"

Steve looked at her like he didn't see her. She thought it was because she had pushed him too far by kissing Bucky. She would give him some time to come to terms with the idea of the three of them but he would not be leaving her. Dropping her hand, she moved forward and wrapped her arms around his waist. Bucky was losing his patience with the woman and couldn't wait for her to leave. She didn't seem to understand that in one move, she had lost the man she had already had and solidified why he, himself, would never go for her. 

"Just leave Carter." Tony was beyond furious. The way Sally had spoken the name Carter reminded him of how his father never really spoke about her and how she had not been invited to their parties and such when he was growing up. The way that the younger Rogers said that it figured that Sharon would be a Carter, it nagged at something. He then remembered her story of how she ended up with Hydra. He sucked in a breath and turned away, storming out of the party and into his lab. He needed a distraction before he tore apart everything around him. Peggy Carter was the one who had betrayed her. She let her brother have his dream girl and never said anything. Tony was furious. He told Friday to block everyone but Sally and Bruce from entering. He couldn't face anyone else while this mad. 

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