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"So, if I heard right, Bucky got his orders then?"

Steve nodded, looking glum. He had tried to lie his way into the army last night again but to no avail. Sally was sitting on the porch, holding his hand while he seemed to be a million miles away. "Is it that big of a deal to you, Stevie?"

Steve looked at his younger sister, and nodded. She was growing up and having a brother who was in the military would scare off any unwanted boys who sought her attention. He wanted to serve his country too but having already lost both their parents and his small stature, he needed a way to protect her. Smiling kindly at her brother Sally looked off to the distance. "I might know a guy, he came by school with his horde of military guys, trying to pressure everyone into joining the army. He seemed different though."

Steve tilted his head at his sister, it was her last year in school and she didn't like the military because while she was proud of her country, war is what stole her parents from her.

Two days later, Steve found himself in yet another recruitment office, this time with his sister by his side. She spoke kindly to the nurses and soon they found themselves in an exam area looking at a poster with all the inoculations one must get to be accepted into the army. She found it daunting but her brother being the stubborn man from Brooklyn that he was, seemed intrigued by them even though he had seen it at least four other times. In walked a man, a slightly crazed looking scientist with a heavy German accent that made Steve go on edge but still listen to what he had to say. As he walked in and introduced himself, Sally excused herself, allowing the two men to assess each other without an audience.  

Sally thought about how she only had a few months of school left and how that would work if her brother got recruited, would she live alone? Probably not. Steve would never allow her to be at risk like that. Would he expect her to move closer to him? Most likely. As she sat outside the office, she daydreamed about what it would be like for her parents to be the ones waving off their son while she cried at him leaving and hugging him before stealing his better room the moment he was gone. She was deep in thought when her brother finally emerged with a big smile on his face. "I got in! Sally, you did it!" 

Sally simply smiled and nodded, not wanting her big brother to see the small stab of disappointment on her face. "What now, Stevie!? What do you want to do now?" She faked her enthusiasm because her brother deserved to be happy. He spent so much time worrying about her and her happiness, he needed a win of his own. She just hoped she wasn't signing his death certificate too. 

A week later, he was shipping out to go to basic training and leaving her with a trusted neighbor to finish school. Their own son had been drafted and they needed to hear the sound of another student in their home to help quiet the silence. Sally adored Mr. and Mrs. Williams and thanked them profusely for allowing her to stay and finish her education. They both waved it off and let her know that she was helping them by simply being there. 

The next few months went by quietly. As school came to an end, Sally was a little disappointed that her brother hadn't bothered to come to her graduation but his letters informed her that he was sorry and that leave just wasn't something he was allotted a lot of yet. A week after graduation, Michael Williams returned home from the war suffering an amputated foot. The Williams needed the space but were too polite to kick Sally out, so she left on her own accord. She told them it was time to move closer to her brother and to make sure he came home after all was said and done. Michael was angry that he couldn't help more and secretly thanked the young woman for trying to help he and his parents. He gave her some money to help set herself up wherever she ended up and made her promise to write them. She agreed and gave each member of the Williams family a tight hug before heading to the nearest recruitment office. 

"Hello, I'm Sally Rogers and I want to sign up to do my part with the war effort." 

The man behind the desk looked at the four foot eleven woman and tried not to laugh, until the name struck him. "Did you say Rogers? Captain America, Rogers?"

Sally looked shocked, "I'm sorry sir, my brother joined the efforts while I was still in school. I just want to be able to see him again and I am quite proficient at secretary work sir." 

The man raised a brow at her before pulling open a drawer, where he showed her a poster of Captain America. Sally gasped and ran her finger over the drawn cheek of what could be her brother, if he lost all his muscle and almost a foot of height. "Oh Stevie, what happened to you?"

The man agreed to help her get a job closer to her brother but only on the condition that she didn't turn him in for bending some rules. That was how she ended up on a plane heading towards a base in the middle of nowhere working for a man in the science department. 

As she approached the building, a tall, beautiful brunette walked out and did a double take at the similarities between the small woman in front of her and the small man she had met months ago. "Miss, what brings you here today?"

"Hi, sorry ma'am, job, starting- hold on." Taking a deep breath, Sally began again. "Sorry about that, I'm nervous. I have a position here for Mr. Stark that I am starting today." 

The brunette smiled slyly and shook her head gently. "Do me a favor, make it hard on him. He gets too many girls to just fall into his bed with a smile and flash of money."

Sally blushed and shook her head. "That isn't who I am Miss. My brother would kill me if I was ever that easy." Both women laughed as the brunette showed the small blonde woman the way. 

"Right through those doors there and if he ever gives you any trouble, tell him you're now a good friend of Peggy Carter. For future reference, your name would be?"

"Sally, Sally Rogers ma'am."

Peggy nodded and chuckled lightly. "Thought you were related to Steve. He is a good man."

Sally nodded and smiled at hearing the woman claim to know her brother. Maybe she was closer than she thought to him. She had a renewed bounce in her step as she opened the door Ms. Carter had indicated to and met her new boss. 

Viper's Bite: The Other RogersWhere stories live. Discover now