Chapter 11

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Am I dead?

"Raven... "

I turned to look at Dominic as we drove back from Luca's party.
"I know things were not meant to happen like this... But I don't regret a thing"
Dominic said, tightening in grip on my hands which were locked in his, and just like magic we were no longer inside the car but out in the sunny fields.

"where is this place?"
I looked around in awe, the flowers here are not like the ones we grow in our territory. He finally realized his grip on my hands only to cup my face, His touch sends chills down my spin and goose bumps around my skin
Yuhp! I am definitely dead. I know Werewolves don't go to heaven but this is some really weird shit going on in hell.

"listen to me Raven I don't have time....i know you have questions, I know you're confused, Things were not meant to happen like this, no matter what happens don't for one minute think that you are to blame... It's not your fault, it never was and never will are the reason I survived this long Raven...i promise I'll figure this out then everything will make perfect sense" he rests his forehead on mine and just like before the environment began to change. Dark clouds formed above us as heavy winds began to blow... I stood there very confused and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared but Dominic didn't move, forehead still resting on mine with closed eyes.
I have never been so confused and so at peace at the same time. His lips parted but I couldn't hear what he was saying because of the raging wind that threatened to uproot us.

My eyes shoot open only to be welcomed by the wooden walls of my Room, my forehead was soaked with sweat and my heart threatening to burst out of my chest.
How I got here and why I am not dead I have no idea.
I pulled myself up from my dusty sheets, I know I attacked the future alpha but the least they could do was change the sheets, If I had been out any longer I'd probably have suffocated to death ...talking about future Alpha I could have sworn he was with me a minute ago. It was probably a dream seeing as I am all alone in here.
I groan then throw myself back on the bed pulling a pillow over my face, I want to be suffocated by dust and go back to my dream.
It was my first good dream after many long nights of being haunted by the event that I'd like to not remember.

After some time, I sat back up and throw my legs across the edge of the bed.
I feel perfectly fine, I expected to feel dizzy at least, wolfsbane is a very strong poison, not many wolves would have survived that.

With a sigh, I turned around to analyze what was once my fortress. It has been a long time since I came in here, everything was as I left them.
The pile of clothes I slipped on countless times that very unfortunate day were still spread across the floor...covered in dust.

Carefully rising to my feet, I know I am completely healed but I still don't want to move too quickly. I stripped myself of the rags that I've had on for weeks now and walk into the bathroom, carefully moving the clothes on the floor aside with my feet. It has been a long time since water graced this skin, I didn't waste anymore time, I turned on the shower and hurried into it.

I still don't know what my powers were exactly, I just know that it is way stronger than all the pack doctors thought, I could do more than just glow in the dark. There was something more to my glow, once I began to glow I could make people lose consciousness, like I did to Dominic, I could take light away from their sources, Niola explained how the Luna blamed me for damaging all the bulbs in the pack house, and apparently now i can heal faster than any other werewolf I've come across, that is the only explanation as to why I was able to heal from being poisoned with wolfsbane.

I was definitely stronger than I thought I was and I hated it and I hated myself , more than I did when I thought I had a lame gift. This is not a gift this was a curse,
I mean I've always known that I was cursed but at least I've gotten used to being the night light glow in the dark wolf.
Sometimes I think the moon goddess is just a really hateful bitch that creates wolves just to toy with their lives.
I smile at what would happen If I ever said that out loud in front of other wolves.

Dominic's POV

It has only been a week since Raven was thrown in the dungeons, but to me it felt like an eternity.
I know it was my fault what happened to Raven but I don't regret a thing. The kiss, though it was for a few seconds I saw my life flash through my eyes, but in a good way. I felt things that I've never felt before, feelings that I never knew existed! I remember it like it was yesterday, the taste of his warm lips, the way the tingly sensation moved from his body to mine, that moment it felt like a blind fold was lifted from my eyes and I saw everything clearly, I saw Raven for who he was, my Mate...

Everyone thinks I am crazy for saying that, I know it's crazy, I don't have an explanation as to how it is possible just yet but I promise to get to the bottom of this.

Raven was my Mate, that explains why I survived this long without having one, and why it never felt like any part of me was missing like other wolves who are unable to find their mate would describe. My second half was there with me all along!
annndddd I am currently in as stray jacket...

Yes, I am in a stray jacket, blind folded and literally tied to the frame of my bed.
The Alpha who I have never really been proud of calling my Dad right now thinks I am Crazy for saying that, when everyone could feel the mate bond that I shared with Yuri, everyone except me of course. Right now I don't even want to see her, all this is happening because of her, when we kissed I thought I felt something electrifying but that was nothing compared to what I felt with Raven.

In a couple of minutes none of it would matter though...
As a last minute resort my parents invited Melissa, the River Delly witch from the neighboring pack, i have heard a lot about her and her dark magic but this is my first encounter with her. Melissa with the help of my Mom will get into my head and fix me from the inside.

My powers has allowed me hold my ground against my Mother's multiple attempts to get into my head but now I am tired...i can't fight both Melissa and the Luna at the same time, not while I'm blind folded.

"you can't fix what is not broken!"

I mind linked my parents but it was of no avail, I could hear their hushed whispers but I couldn't really make out what was being said.
Soon all the whispers stopped, I could hear someone walk towards me.

"We have to begin as soon as possible" I heard the Alpha say followed by the cold hands that rested on my cheeks and an unfamiliar voice.
" look at you, you're all grown up now "

Melissa...that has to be her

I shiver under her cold touch
"Don't worry Child you won't feel or remember a will be less painful now that you're all grown up" She says, followed by a wicked chuckle. All of a sudden I was hit by a wave of tiredness and it became really hard to stay awake.

"let him in..." I heard the Alpha command and I could hear the faint foot steps of someone enter my bedroom.

'Who... Who is that? '

"Good evening Alpha, Luna. You sent for me? "

Is that Robin? '

Everywhere became silent as I was welcomed by darkness and silence.

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