Chapter 16

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"Raven! Wait up"
The rodent girl that I now knew as Venira drew closer
"oh my goddess, you walk fast"
My heart sank, I honestly hoped it was Dominic.

She said, trying to catch her breath

I bow my head, as was expected of me. Yes, i still want to weed her head from her petite body but I also want to stay on Drulocks good side, I doubt he'd react well if I brought his mates head on a tray for him.

"Stop all that, no need for formalities, you literally chased me round the pack house remember " she playfully punched my shoulder. I simply looked between her and the spot on my shoulder that she hit. It didn't matter If she was the Luna of one of the strongest packs in the land this chick Is terrified of me.....and I like it.
"anyway, I saw you talking to Drully earlier, so I'm guessing they already told you"

I nodded...

After the meeting

"The magnitude to all you can do can be compared to that of the moon goddess, Raven you are different and might just be the strongest wolf out there"
Alpha Peter stated placing a hand on my shoulder. This man locked me up in the dungeon and forgot about me and here he is talking to me like we are best buds, but yet again He one could excuse his actions by saying that he was being an alpha, protecting the pack from possible threat.
Talking about threats, I could sight Dominic anxiously bouncing from foot to foot, I could tell that he was waiting to talk to me but I don't know if I am ready for that yet...

"So I think it's best if you follow Alpha Drulock and his pack back phoenix pack head quarters" Peter selected his words carefully.
He was sending me away?

"It's only until you learn to control your powers, we can't keep you away from your pack, you're marked Beta, you have to return eventually to fulfil your duties to your pack, but right now you will only put everyone in crescent bound in danger if other packs were to attack" Drulock added. I won't forgive myself if anything happens to Dominic again because of my powers...
From the distance I spotted Dominic but this time with his mate...Yuri. I can't explain this pain that I felt, it felt like my heart was being pulled out of my chest. One could mistake Dominic for my mate because of how pained I was seeing another werewolf beside him but that was out of the question, the moon goddess rarely ever mates two male werewolves, most especially the alpha and the beta and besides...Dominic already has a mate

...He's with her right now

"I know it's a tough decision, you can sleep over it, but you have to make up your mind, we return to Phoenix pack head quarters Tomorrow"
Alpha Drulock stated, squeezeling my shoulders softly.

"There will be no need for that, I have made my decision..."
My eyes were glued on Dominic and Yuri as I spoke

Back to present time

"Raven, are you sure about this?"
Venira asks concerned as her eyes studied the expression on my face

I sighed "it's what is best for everyone"

"you made the right choice. I don't know what you have going with Dominic but I assure you that it's not worth risking the safety of the pack." she said softly and I nodded in response,
It was the only thing I could do now.

Venira left soon to join Alpha Drulock in bed and I made my way to my room. On getting there I dropped myself face down on my still dusty bed. I couldn't stop the tears that leaked from my eyes and stained my sheets.
I basically cried myself to sleep that morning...

By the time I woke up it was already late in the evening, only a few hours left till my departure.

Lora, my father's mate had already arranged some of the things she thinks I'll need for my trip. I've never really had the best relationship with Lora, I reminded her of the time my Father slept around with a rouge wolf, but I could see the sadness in her eyes when she came to say her goodbyes. Was I expecting Beta Cain to come see his son before he leaves the pack? Not at all, seeing as he locked me in the dungeons himself. To him responsibility comes first before family. I've gotten used to that sad reality already.

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