Prt2: Chapter 19

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Ravens POV

I walked past the clinic where Casandra was once restrained, I couldn't help the feeling of peace that came with knowing that she was freed from her suffering.

It was decided that everything should be kept a secret. Telling the pack about what Peter and Claire did would destabilize moon bound for sure.
Although Dominic and I made our relationship public to the members of moon bound. The alliance with iron clawed pack wasn't dissolved, Yuri made sure of that,  it was one of her many ways of apologizing to us, that and the flowers she sends to my room everyday.
I couldn't bring myself to being mad at her, I can't imagine life without Dominic, much less not ever coming across Him.
The younger members of the pack were more accepting of us as most of them already suspected that there was something going on between us since the kiss that sent me to the dungeons, though no one ever openly spoke about it until now. We told everyone that Dominic and Yuri only pretended to be mates because of the alliance and that made sense, although Not everyone was accepting of their Alpha being mated to his Beta who is also a guy but at least they respected our decisions...that or they were just too scared to say anything about it.

"The moon goddess doesn't make mistakes"
I have heard them whisper amongst them selves, I hope one day they accept us not because we were paired by the moon goddess but because of the love we clearly share

"Hey, there you are"
Dominic hugged me from behind
"I've been looking all over for you?" He said, placing gentle kisses on my neck, specifically on the bite mark he left from our mating ceremony

4 nights ago...

I stared at him with a raised brow
"What are we now humans?"
It was really hard to hold back the laugh that itched my throat
"What makes you think that I'd want to be mated over beheaded roses?"

"Forgive me for wanting our mating ceremony to be special"
He pouted childishly walking towards the foot of the bed

"Hey I'm kidding"
I giggled walking after him
"I appreciate the gesture, I'd have preferred if the bed was filled with the heads of vampires though" I teased

"I just want our first time together to be special"
He said, wrapping his hands around my waist, and pulling me closer

"Relax, you are over thinking it. Everything with you is special" I said, wrapping my hands around his neck

"That is so cringe"
He chuckled then mimicked in a playful voice
"Everything with you is special, what are we now humans?"

"You know what I'm going to bed"
I attempted to wiggle my way out of his hold only for him to push me towards the bed with a little too much force

That would have been a romantic gesture if my head didn't hit the Wooden frame of the bed stand making me Yelp in pain. We both erupted in laughter.

"I swear, that is way sexier in movies"
He said dropping himself besides me and we just laid there in silence, not the awkward silence that makes you ask about the weather, this one was comforting peaceful even. Our lives aren't perfect right now but at least we were together. Soon Dominic rolled over until he was until his head was positioned on my chest, I brought my hands up to caress his back. He soon lifted my shirt then began making a trail with soft kisses from my chest down to my navel then back up to my neck. An embarrassingly loud moan escaped from my lips when he made a trail with his tongue down the side of my neck, My eyes rolled back from the insane burst of pleasure that crippled me. I wanted to protest but I couldn't make out words.
He soon brought his lips up to mine, I could taste my blood on his lips, I could barely feel the pain from all that pleasure.

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