Prt2: Chapter 10

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Dominic's POV

"Waw this is one way to waste your time, I mean mighty Beta Cuthbert how do you come up with these brilliant ideas, please remind me how many hunters did your great plan lure in tonight?"

The run was a complete waste of time. There wasn't a single Hunter in sight. My head is aching like crazy, right now I wanted nothing more than to find a comfortable spot on the grass and die.
Luther on the other hand was having the best time of his life, he offered to drive us back to the pack house and Cuthbert hasn't had a minute of silence.

Cuthbert simply ignored him, staring out the window. For someone that is repeatedly being tested by Luther he was surprisingly very relaxed. I expected him to rip Luther's head off, I know I would...

"Luther, it has been a long an exhausting night can you please just let it go?" I pleaded, I might have strained myself too much racing with Cuthbert because it feels like my head would fall off any moment now.
Not that it matters but if it was a race I totally won Cuthbert.

"He's just so damn stubborn, if he had listened to anyone else's suggestion other than his own maybe we would have gotten somewhere"
He was practically yelling at this point, goddess help me if I have to share a car with these two for the next 15mins.
"Maybe we didn't go far enough, what do you think Cuthbert, maybe tomorrow night you and Dominic here can go further away from the pack territory, what do you say?"
He rested an arm on Cuthbert's shoulder, they were both seated in the front of the SUV while I chose to lay down in the back.

Cuthbert suddenly snapped his head towards Luther, His brown eyes flashed hazel for a second before the car began to sway off the road. I didn't understand what was happening all I knew was that Luther was screaming and holding onto his chest. Soon the SUV came to a full stop.

"What the actual fuck!!?"

I yelled, seating up

"touch me again and I'll kill you"
Cuthbert stated smiling softly making it all the more scary.

He opened his door then began to walk in the direction of the pack house which was luckily already in sight.

"are you okay?" I leaned forward to check on Luther who was struggling to breath

"Dude..." He managed to say, He was sweating like crazy.

I waited for Luther to be a bit more relaxed before switching  seats then driving us to the parking lot.
I escorted Luther to his room to ensure that everything was okay, not that I cared about him, I just didn't want anything bad to happen under my watch, Alpha Pete wouldn't let me hear the end of it. He folded himself on his bed, holding his knees up to his chest.

When I left there I headed straight to look for this Cuthbert guy.

"You should probably get some sleep Alpha"
I heard someone say from behind me.

Talk about the devil

"Yeah, I was about to" I said and he nodded
"Cuthbert, I would like it if what happened today didn't repeat itself using your powers on one of my escorts, an Alpha blood for that matter" I called him out on his actions, trying to act stern and bossy like Alphas were trained to act but I was positive I looked ridiculous.

He chuckled slight
"My apologies Alpha, Luther had it coming though, that guy is just very annoying" Cuthbert stated, chuckling a bit.
I couldn't disagree
"you're right, that's what Raven always said" I blurted out without thinking.
I couldn't place a finger on the expression that appeared on his face at the mention of Ravens name.
"You do know Raven right?"

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