Chapter 8

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Raven's POV

It has been a week since the night of the party, Dominic is doing better now, still acting a little bit weird though but I can't say he wasn't weird before.

I was woken up by an all too familiar scent.

"What is she doing here" I thought to myself

I jump out of bed, almost tripping on a pile of clothes I left laying around.

I cursed under my breath, before rushing into the bathroom to fix my hair. My crush for Yuri has subsided but I was still very glad to see her.

I sprint out of the bathroom, almost tripping...again, over the same pile of clothes, that was when I realized that I was practically naked, all I had on were boxer briefs.

I groan, grabbing the first sweat pant my hand could reach off the floor then pulling it up my legs alittle too fast because it split in half.

Way to start the day, I thought mentally face palming myself

Okay Raven calm down.

Dominic's POV

Today is the day. I sighed flinging my blanket over and seating on the edge of my bed.
After what happened the night of the party I have been avoiding Yuri like a plague. Today I was going to explain everything to Raven and if I'm lucky he won't kill me.

I have tried my best to act cool when ever he's around, he didn't let the issue that took place in the party slide , he brought it up the following day and the day after that and the day after that and I just blamed it on alpha practice. I never thought that would actually be useful someday in getting me out of trouble, all it usually does is get me into trouble.

Everytime I thought about Yuri...and the kiss it felt like I was betraying Dominic, somethings were still not clear to me but if there is one thing I know for sure it's that I do not want to lose Raven, that night at the shower something happened to me, I started noticing things that I haven't taken note if before, like how his eyes sparkle when he smiles and how adorable he looks when he is angry. Yuri might be my mate and all but there's this feeling of peace and warmth I get with Raven alone.

Maybe it's the alpha and Beta bond, I thought, then my head shots up as I get a genius Idea. Maybe I don't actually know much about the mating bond and who better to ask about the mating bond and the Alpha and Beta bond of not our very own.... Beta, my dearest ever grumpy god father, Cain.

I hop out of bed and hurry down the stairs hoping to find the Beta in his room.

When I finally arrived, I paused at the open door asking myself whether to knock or just walk right in. Before I was able to decide a deep growl from behind me sent my heart flying.

"Ah Godfather you almost gave me a heart attack "
I said grabbing my chest, trying to calm my racing heart.
" You don't sneak up on people like that "
I said gently hitting his very broad chest. Regretted it as soon as I did, It felt like I hit a metal wall

He sighs pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head
"Did I not made my self clear Dominic, I told you never to come to my room again "

Yeahhhh about that, I may have walked in on him and Lora having sex. I didn't tell anyone about it, it's nothing to be ashamed of. What I did do was make silly remarks about it during pack meetings.

"all that is behind us Cainy" I finished with a grin and he growls in response then walks into his room.

I could not smell Lora or any other pack member in there so I assumed it was safe to follow

"I need to talk to you about the mating bond"

"Go talk to your father " He replied nonchalantly then walks into the bathroom

I frown at that
"My father won't understand what I am going through "
I protested, following him

"Go talk to your mother then " he says, stripping naked and stepping into the running shower

"Come on godfather it's a matter of life and death " He looks my way with a raised brow then continue scrubbing his hair.....don't ask me where.

"fine, the sooner you talk, the sooner you leave. What's up, Found your mate yet? "

I pause for a few seconds before replying, avoiding the question entirely.

"how does it feel like kissing you mate?"

"are you asking because you walked in on me and Lora? " He asked, turning off the shower and stepping out

I hand him the giant messy towel and on the wall. No doubt Its definitely his

"No...i can't even remember what night I walked in on you and Lora hitting it off doggy style" I finish, my mischievous smile growing

"yeah you don't remember" rolling his eyes

"focus godfather! How do you feel everytime you kiss your mate " I follow him out of the bathroom

"electrifying "
he comments dropping him self on his king sized bed and closing his eyes

"just that? "

He sighs
"the mating bond is special, when ever you are with that person it feels like nothing else matters, then a kiss... I can't explain it, it's the most amazing feeling, you get butterflies in your stomach, as cliche as that sounds.... you feel something... something more than the greedy feeling of lust and hungry passion. There's also this feeling of security... like that one person just filled a huge gap in your life "
he stops to catch his breath
"it's a feeling you definitely can't miss. now get me a drink "

I walk to the mini fridge on one edge of his room then pulls out a beer.

Feeling of security Huh... Do I get that from Yuri, or I haven't just given her a chance yet.

I proceeded to ask him my next question after throwing him his beer which he catches effortless despite my terrible throw.
"Tell me more about the Alpha and beta bond? "

He pops the bottle cap open then takes a swing
" hmm...The Alpha and Beta bond is professional. It connects the thoughts of the Alpha with that of the Beta, it's more like a bond of guaranteed loyalty, it comes with a feeling of literal security "
Security... Again

I pull on my hair still very confused. Then I notice Cain staring at me with a look of pity

"I know it's hard on you that you have not found your mate and all, I too was a late Mater and the feeling almost drove me crazy "

"it's not though, I was perfectly fine without a mate, that feeling of security you talk about It has always been apart of me...I'm just so confused."

"you need a drink " he points

"thanks godfather for everything"
I smile at him then walks towards the exit.

"godfather? " I called out stopping on my tracks and turning around to stare him straight in the eye.

"have you ever felt like kissing the alpha? You know because of the alpha beta bond..."

He chokes on his beer, spitting out the beer he had in his mouth.
His eyes are all red now and the veins on the side of his head threatening to pop out.

"No?... I'll take that as a No then, don't worry " I ran out of the room so I can't be tied to his death.

"you're messed up!" I heard him yell from the hallway.

Okay it's all starting to add up, The feeling of security that I have always felt. I needed to compose my thoughts, Cains explanation gave me a crazy idea that I was willing to try out, now I just needed to find Raven.

Heyyyyy....thank you for reading this far This has to be my favorite chapter so far, Just let me know what you think.

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