Chapter 17

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"I am going to Phoenix pack with Alpha drulock"

The words escaped from my lips before I could stop my self


His head was rested on my neck so I couldn't tell if he was hurt or Dead..
So I pulled his head back until I saw his face, it was like all the moisture was drained from it.

"I am sorry"
Was all I could say after that

He examined my face for some time, hoping to find anything that would imply that I was lying to him but found none

"Why...?" His voice was trembling as he spoke "you just heard me say I didn't want to lose you, doesn't that mean anything to you!?" the tone of his voice increased with each word

"It's for the good of the pack, I don't want to put anyone in danger, you heard what Drulock said about my gift, i don't want to put you in danger, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself" I said holding his hands but he pulls them away

"you don't have to leave, we'll train together, I'll become stronger, they say the extent to which I can use my gift is nearly limitless, I'll get stronger, I'll protect you...I'll protect the pack!"
He finished, breathing hard, beads of sweat were gathered on his forehead now

I shook my head
"Dominic, it isn't that easy, I wish it was. and besides we need this time apart to figure out what is wrong with us. You should be down stairs kissing your mate, not me " that was the very painful truth

"you are my Mate!" He yelled, glaring at me.
He's just saying nonsense at this point

"Don't be silly Dominic, You're the future Alpha, Homosexuality is something the humans have to deal with. Yuri will give you an heir" I tried to make him see things from the logical perspective but he just kept on shaking his head, tears returned to his lids

"No...." he said "don't do this Raven" He pleaded "if it's because of the kiss don't worry about it, I won't kiss you again I promise, please don't go..." He finished, resting his head on my chest

My heart broke to pieces seeing him like this, there's nothing I'd like more than for things to be the way they were before the night of the party. I wish I could turn back time and turn down Miracle when he invited us to that party.

He took a few steps back and I saw his ocean blue eyes flashed grey for a quick second, then he focus his gaze on me, veins bulging out from the side if his head. It wasn't long until I felt a mild ache growing from the back of my head.
It was a familiar sensation, like when he influenced my dreams or tried to make me do things I didn't want to but it never hurt when ever he did, this time it did...

"Dominic, Stop that" I held my head as the dizzy feeling grew stronger.

He was trying to influence my decision, but nothing like I've experienced before.
The pain spread from the back of my head to the front
"Dominic you're hurting me" I said, falling on my knees.

"I can't lose you"
I almost couldn't recognize the guy standing in front of me, he's not like the jovial Dominic I grew up with. I heard his bones crack and rearrange, He was half way through his transformation.

Edging a transformation, not transforming fully is a technique werewolves used to enhance their magical abilities, only strong willed wolves could hold a transformation in the center.
Now his ocean blue eyes had a hint of silver, white fur covered his once spotless skin and his canines dripped with poison filled saliva

The pain became more than I could bear so I stopped fighting it and let my instinct take control.

First came the tingles...

then came the Glow...

As soon as it started I felt instant relief. I could feel him try to enter my head again but it was pointless.
He was only hurting himself at this point. Blood ran down his ears

"Dominic stop!"

He growls in response. If he continues like this he's going to do permanent damage to himself.

I took a deep breath then focused on increasing my light intensity, not too much so I don't turn him to white ash like I did earlier but just enough to knock him out.
I hurried to catch him before he landed on the floor.

"I am sorry Dominic"
I said holding him tightly to myself, this might be the last time I get to hold him this close...

Dominic's POV

I knew I was in Ravens room even before I opened my eyes, it had his scent all over...but He wasn't here. It wasn't long until the memories of what happened earlier came crashing. I threw his sheets off of me then hurried out of his bedroom

I yelled moving from room to room, I earned a few confused stares from the pack members but I couldn't care less.
After running around the pack house with no success in finding him I came back inside his room to check his closet if his cloths were still there. I tried to lie to myself that maybe he went out for an errand and that's when I saw it...
A note, addressed to me...

I dropped to the floor and with shaky hands I brought the note up

'I am doing this for the both of us and I hope that one day you understand my reasons for leaving, I have to
Get stronger, i can't stand the thought of anything bad happening to you because of me, I also can't risk you throwing your life away just because of a glitch in our creation, even if we are not mates you'll always be my Bestfriend for Beta or for worse'

"for beta or for worse" I voiced,
My heart was aching terribly.

Behind the note was a picture of us, He was laid on the floor and I was asleep untop of him. I couldn't help but chuckle, it was taken on the day I bailed on Raven when Niola burnt him so bad he had to see the pack Doctor.

I couldn't stop the tears that leaked from my eyes now, I didn't want this...
I wanted my best friend here with me


I am not sure I want to be just bestfriends again, we made out not too long ago and I liked it, that's not something best friends do is it?

I eventually picked my self up from the floor, face void of all emotions. I couldn't bring myself to hating him for leaving me and as sad as that made me I also couldn't produce a single tear drop, it felt like all the moisture was sucked out from me. All that can be felt now is the pain that threatened to burst my heart.

"For beta or for worse..." I released a humorless chuckle "that liar..."

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