Prt2: Chapter 7

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Dominic's POV

After 30mins of scanning through what felt like thousands of books in the children section I realized that I might just be as crazy or even more crazy than Yama. All I was able to find out on Lyca was that she was the strongest of Artemis's pets, The first group of werewolves created by the goddess who along side Ray, the Human who was cursed to change into a beast every full moon by witches started the new bloodline of gifted werewolves.

Gibberish. I don't think that they should teach the pups in our pack such nonsense, It is general knowledge that the first werewolf was blessed by the goddess to be able to change into a wolf and left it with gifts to fend for itself in a world where everyone wants to hunt it down.

"Is this seriously what you want to spend your time doing?"

I raised my head to see my father standing in front of the table where I was seated.

"I am trying to find a solution for Casandra"
I spoke between gritted teeth and clenched fists, no matter how much I tried to not seem intimidated by him my eyes always found a way to avoid his.

"Sure you are, and I'm sure the reason she's sick is because she didn't read enough...nusery books growing up?" He stated gesturing to all the books I have laid in front of me.

I opened my mouth to speak but closed it again, He has a point, I look really stupid reading children stories when every second I waste Casandra worsens.

"Walk with me"
He said making his was towards the exit with his hands folded behind his back.
I followed him reluctantly, We moved through the training fields, watching Niola along side her subordinate, Miracle the next Gamma, round up training with the younger wolves.
The wolves bowed their head as we walked pass them.

"Hunters were spotted around the new pack house that we are building in alliance with phoenix pack"
He stated staring into the forest ahead of us

Alpha Drulock, my blood ran cold at the mention of his name. a part of me blames him for taking Raven away from me but it was Ravens decision to leave and I intend on respecting his it no matter what, no matter how much it hurts, I have been respecting it for the past four years now, you would think that the pain would go away overtime, on the contrary. If I didn't have so much pack duty along side my training and catering for Casandra I would probably have a cabin beside Yama's, now I'd rather not be involved with anything that has to do with Drulock.

"I have arranged for a few werewolves from moon claw pack to accompany you on your trip"
He stated, his voice wasn't as stern as usual letting me know that it isn't a command, and at the same time it clearly wasn't a question so I knew I didn't have options.
I was about to protest then he turned until he was staring at me directly.
"You can't allow your emotions get in the way of the well being of the pack, you're going to be alpha one day, you need to be able to put your emotions aside and do what is best for the pack"

I rolled my eyes, yeah right says the alpha that would rather have Casandra put down.
We stood there in silence, glaring at each other...more like I was glaring at him and He was simply staring back.

He cleared his throat then diverted his gaze.
"Rumor has it that there's a mate breaker in Drulocks pack, maybe you can talk to their representative about Casandra" He said "if you really want to save her I think breaking her ties with Robin is our only option" He paused thoughtfully
"Well, not our only option, we can always tell Trina to put her down"
He said staring back at me for a second. This time his voice was firm so I I knew he wasn't joking.
The pack would grieve over her death but we'll be up and running in no time unlike now that we all suffer with her.

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