Prt2: Chapter 8

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Dominic's POV

"We are here"
Luther announced unamused when we arrived at the joint pack house.

He snorted, mumbling curses as we pulled into the parking lot with the rest of our escorts following behind us.

"What is your problem now?"
I asked raising a brow at Luther

"It's quite dumb to build a joint pack house this far away from both packs, I mean it's just seating in the middle of no where begging to be attacked by rouges and hunters, don't you think?" He snorted

"No one asked for your opinion Luther" I replied making him roll his eyes

"My point exactly, if they did we wouldn't have to come this far out. I don't know about you but I have a shit load of things that I'd rather be doing"
He stated, turning the engine off and stepping out of the car, I did the same.

"for someone who is going to become Alpha after your Brother you seem to not know anything about forming alliances"
I said, "The whole point Is to expand both our territories, the pack house is built at the center, That way rouge packs don't hide in our lands"

"right, and how is that going for you? I mean, Yes we managed to keep the rouges away now we are here because we are worried about hunters"
He does have a Point...
" I'd rather fight off rouges than bloody Hunters"
He said, shoving the keys to the SUV into his pockets.
He didn't want to be here any more than myself.

I wanted to rip his head off his body, I just might...but I don't want to complicate things more than they already are with the pack.

"Whatever, I am not going to have this conversation with you four years after the alliance was made" I walked ahead of him, now I see why Raven hated his guy, he's a total jackass.

We stepped into the pack house, on the walls there were pictures of Drulock painted from legends of his accomplishments in history books, sculptures of... Drulock also decorated the hallway, there's nothing about moon bounds history in here just Drulock...drulock and hey look, more Drulock!

"What the actual fuck..."
I mumbled

"Waw this is...phenomenal"
Luther said, his signature maniacal smile was spread across his face
"I take that this is your first time here" He said watching my expression harden. I send him a death glare letting him know that I'm not in the mood for his jokes then he threw his hands in the air giggling .

The pack house was funded by Moon bound but the land was purchased by phoenix pack, I did not involve myself too much...or at all in Moon bounds alliance with Phoenix specifically because of what transpired between Raven and myself but I know that we agreed that the pack house would be a little bit of both packs. What I'm seeing here is a whole lot of Phoenix Pack and nothing of Moon bounds.

"Dude... I know you don't want to talk to me, believe me the feeling is fucking mutual, I can't emphasize on how fucking mutual it is, but this is a total rip off. Is this a joint pack house or a Drulock sanctuary?"
Luther gestured to the painting and the strange brightly colored interior decor.

I hated that he was right.

I yelled at a group of workers carrying another miniature statue of Drulock seated on a throne made from vampire skulls into the pack house
"Hey! Take that out of here"

They all stopped to stare at me confusion was written all over their faces, then Luther spoke
"Are you fucking deaf!? He said you should take that piece of junk out of here"
I was shocked when Luther walked up to the workers to yell in their faces.
Some flashed their canines but quickly retreated them when they perceived his alpha blood.

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