Chapter 15

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Dominic's POV

I shifted from foot to foot, for some weird reason the thought of Raven having a mate disturbed me in ways I couldn't explain. It was a bit selfish of me but I don't want to have to share him with anyone.

After what felt like an eternity, the two alphas brought the meeting to a close, I wanted nothing more than to rush to Raven to first if all pull him into the biggest bone crushing hug he has ever received then follow up with a skull crushing slap before offloading all the questions that threatened to tear my head open.
But, i couldn't. He was currently talking to Alpha Drulock and my Dad and, judging by the death glares my Dad sent my way it was obvious that he didn't want interruptions, especially from me.
I continued to observe his facial expression and at some point his features softened, I wonder what they were talking about.
If I am this confused, imagine how Raven felt. Raven he was locked up in the dungeons without my knowledge for goddess knows how long, and now he's finding out that he might just be the strongest werewolf alive because of his gift, which wasn't as plain and useless as everyone thought, not me though I've always known that he was special.
Like that was not bad enough, anytime from now other packs would place a reward for his head on a stake, I won't allow that though...if they want to get to Raven they'll have to kill me first.
I need to get stronger so I can protect Raven...

"There you are"
I was suddenly made aware of the slender figure who suddenly clung to the side of my arm.

Yuri, the embodiment of 60% of my confusion.

I don't know if I love her or not at this point, I'm supposed to I mean she is my so called mate after all but honestly she's the last person I want to see right now, I tried to smile at her but it didn't come out right it ended up seeming noticeably forced, which it was. I should at least get a point for effort

"The meeting took longer than expected, you must be tired" she asked placing a hand on my chest.
It was strange my body didn't react to her touch like it usually does, there was no tingly sensation, no burning sensation that was expected from contact with a mate, just mild irritation.

"come on let's go to bed, I'm exhausted"
She tugged on my arm but I didn't budge, I just stared her down like I was trying to remember who she was. all this time I've been freakishly quite and seemingly cold to her, she's not to blame for any of the confusion that I am drowning in right now.

I said, it came out sounding like a murderous whisper which wasn't what I intended so I raised my hands to cup her cheeks
"You go ahead, I'll catch up with you, I have unfinished business here"
I tried to give her a reassuring ended up being all but reassuring.

"Is it something important? I mean you can always deal with it later"
She persuaded, pouting like a little child. I used to find it cute when ever she does that now, I'm like ew stop that.
Just as I was about to give an excuse that she'd probably not believe my gaze diverted over her shoulder to the spot Raven and the Alphas stood.

He was gone...

My heart sank when I saw that he was no longer there. I didn't realize when I pushed Yuri aside, apparently with too much force because she crashed on the floor. But I didn't care... I continued to look around the meeting room like a crazy person, I heard my name being called out a few times.
His scent had become faint...he was gone

Raven's POV

I stopped from time to time to check if Dominic was following me, I know I came out here to get away from him but a tiny part of me somehow hoped he'd chase after me
Yeah, yeah I realize how melodramatic that sounds but still...

'I guess it's true what they say, nothing lasts forever' I thought to myself 'not even my friendship with Dominic' I sighed then continued on my path to my room.


I heard a voice call out from the distance and I froze.


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