Prt2: Chapter 17

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Dominic's POV

I gasp for air as my eyes flew open, my heart was pounding and entire body was soaked with sweat.

"Hey! calm down"
Miracle said, helping me seat up

I held onto his hand tightly
"What happened?"

"I came in here and found you passed out on the floor, you must have slipped"
That was highly unlikely and judging by his facial expression he didn't entirely believe that.

The last thing I remember was having a conversation with Luna Claire then all of a sudden...


"I need to see Raven"
I hurried to my feet, almost losing balance at first but was supported by Miracle

"Dominic slow down"
I heard him scold as I sprinted out of my room


Raven's POV

"How long is this going to take?"
I shifted my weight from one foot to another.

Ozi finally stopped glowing
"I don't get why it didn't work, I did it exactly how Melissa does" he paused, unsure of him self
"Maybe I went wrong with the symbols, let me try again..."

"You know what just forget it. You are clearly the farthest decendant of river blood werewolves"
I commented, waving him away from Vanessa's side but something else caught my attention

Dominic...his scent filled the room even before he entered.

He pushed the door to the clinic open, I watched as he scanned the entire room, worry spread across his face and how his eyes lite up when they finally settled on me. He wasted no time in wrapping his hands around me, seeming very uneasy, not to mention how hard I could hear his heart beating.

"Hey, I'm here relax. I am not going anywhere"
I have no idea why he was acting this way but one thing is for certain, there was something different about him. The way my body tingled from contact with his, despite it being clothed areas was highly unusual. Something was pleasantly different and I know he felt it too.
He quickly untangled his hands from my body where it was tightly wrapped then brought his hand up to my head before leaning in to sniff my hair then proceeded to sniffing my neck
"Woaw slow down there"
I scolded, stepping back

"Fuck! you smell so nice"
Dominic stated his eyes were heavily laced with lust but I could visibly see him trying to control himself.

"We need to talk"
He said biting down on his lower lip.

Fuck...there was something about the way he bite his lips and starred me down that made my knees weak, It is hard to describe, I've always felt this insane attraction to Dominic but now it was increased by a hundred, my body responded to his presence the same way it did when we kissed earlier.
It was insane!
I was a bit relieved when Ozi came between us, no doubt sensing how weird Dominic and I were acting.
"You're both releasing testosterone toxic enough to end feminism. What did you guys do?"
He stated looking between Dominic and myself soon his eyes grew wide in excitement
"You dirty bastards!"
He chuckled, clapping his hands together

"Ozi, it's not what you think, we didn't"
I said before he could jump into any conclusions

"You mean fuck?"
Ozi stated casually with a smug look on his face

"No!..yes! Don't call it that"
I groan mentally face palming myself. I am sure Dominic is enjoying this

"Obviously, the longer you guys stay without completely the mating ritual the harder it is going to be for you to stay around each other, I don't know how you guys were able to survive this long. Right now you're probably at the sensory over load stage, my advice is you complete it before you get to the painful boner for days stage"
Ozi completed chuckling

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