Prt2: Chapter 6

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"Wow, are you okay Pup?" Drulock approachs me, clearly worried.
I can't start acting different now or I'll have a lot of explaining to do.
Do you think Drulock is aware of the tortures going on in his pack house, I mean he is the Alpha.

"Uhmm yeah- yeah I am fine, just a bit dizzy. I was practicing my black light on my way here then got distracted"
I figured that he already knows that I caused the black out seeing as I am the only wolf with that ability...right?

He watches me thoughtfully
"You must be exhausted"
He commented, dropping the knife that he had in his pocket on the night stand.

I was...
"No it's fine, the whole reason I did it was to practice my endurance, I seem to have made a habit out of passing out more often" I forced a humorless laugh.

He shook his head "Raven always trying to be perfect, that's why you're my favorite one yet"
He smiled reassuringly
"Don't be so hard on yourself because of that day, You'll get a hang of it soon"

He places his hand on my shoulder and squeezes it softly making me more tense than I was earlier.
I drop my head, I couldn't maintain eye contact, so much for trying to not draw attention to Myself, If he noticed anything he didn't say.

"Okay let's begin" He said and I nod in agreement.


I Gasp in shock as my eyes flew open. I just had the most gruesome nightmere, only that it wasn't entirely a night mere. I dreamt that I was the one hung up side down inside the tube.
I still can't get my head around what I saw.
I stopped to examine my surroundings
Cuthbert's Room, again...great.
I groan, throwing his sheets off of me and swinging my legs over the bed. Cuthbert was the last person I wanted to see or talk to right now.

Talk about the devil...

He walked out of the bathroom, ruffling his hair with a dark blue towel. He was completely naked and wasn't aware that I was already awake, he didn't look my direction he just walked straight to hanging the towel that was hung on his shoulder on a rack, then shuffling through his closet.
I tried to look away but my eyes had a mind of its own, it was mesmerized by the scars that littered Cuthbert's body. It's almost like they followed a pattern. There were really large ones then smaller scratches, I'm guessing from rouges. He had scars that I'm not sure I'd survive experiencing whatever caused it.

He screamed like a little girl when He turned around and saw me staring.
"Oh my goddess, Raven!" He said holding on to his chest
"Why the fuck are you awake, I literally just put you down before hitting the showers"
He walks to seat beside me on the bed...still butt naked.
"Are you okay?" He tilts my head from side to side then examines my pulse. All I could do was nod, his nudity was making me really uncomfortable. Yes, I was used to werewolves walking around nude in my pack but this was just weird.

"You really need to be more careful, I can't risk anything happening to the baby" He said, placing his hand on my stomach.

Baby? What the fuck?

I smack his hands away
"What are you talking about?"

Queue mischievous smirk...

"you have been passing out a lot're definitely pregnant" He jokes, said mischievous smirk growing on his face.

Right...i can't believe I even considered what he said. I mean alot of things I've seen in this pack, I won't be surprised seeing male wolves having babies.

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