Chapter 9

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Ravens POV

After turning my room upside down I was finally able to get something decent to put on. Yuri's scent was drifting away, but I could still smell her so she's definitely in the pack house, maybe just on the other end.

I rush out of the room and made my way through the hall way as quickly as possible, careful not to knock anyone older than I am down, I couldn't care less if I sent the little fucks flying across the hallway.

Total Beta material.

I received weird stares from other wolves as I dashed towards the stair case, so I decided to slow down and inspect my sweat pant for any holes or semen stains, that was when I bumped into Miracle, the least person I wanted to see this morning.

"I am sorry "
I lift my head in confusion then I am met with his guilty apologetic eyes. What is up with him?

"are you okay? " I ask him with a raised brow but he just nods in response then continues his way down the stairs case, glancing at me from the side of his eyes.

Maybe he's having a bad day...maybe all these wolves are all having a bad day...

The scent was getting stronger and I could faintly hear her angelic voice from the alpha's study. I did not mean to ease drop, the plan was to wait out here until she has finished talking with the alpha but I just couldn't help it, the alpha sounded excited that is reason enough to make anyone curious.

I am sure they wouldn't mind, if it was good news I deserve to know

"This is amazing news " I hear the Luna exclaim, clapping her hands together in excitement

"Yeah " Alpha Peter follows with a chuckle
"it's a cause for celebration "

"I am surprised he hasn't mentioned anything yet " Yuri sounded a bit disappointed.

I didnt understand what they were talking about so I proceeded to rest my ears on the key hole. I have an amazing hearing but the study was made sound proof so I needed to put in extra effort if I wanted to get the full gist.

The Luna sighed
"he doesn't tell us things these days, maybe he was waiting for the right time, you know a mate is a big deal"

A mate? Whose mate?

"But I still think Dominic should have told us that he has found his Mate, Yuri is just perfect for him. They have to complete the mating ceremony as soon as possible"
the Alpha spoke...

and my heart sank.

It felt like I was being stabbed in the head lungs suddenly felt too heavy

I can't breathe...

I leaned on the door for support but it swings open and I stagger inside trying to maintain balance.

Help me, I can't breathe...

My face was void of emotions, my skin was pale all of a sudden as I looked around the navy blue room, hoping this was just another dream instigated by Dominic to annoy me, this has to be a dream.

"Raven is everything okay?"
The Luna rushes over to support my frame from falling.

"Raven obviously knew that Dominic has found his mate and did not say anything"
the Alpha said, glaring at me.

I slowly approached Yuri who stares at me with worried eyes, slowly backing away.

"is it true? it t-true you're Dominic's mate? " My voice comes out shaky and coarse and she nods cautiously.

"w-when did you find out? " I bring my hands up to my face to wipe the stray tear that ran down my cheek

"Lucas's party... We kissed"

That was all I needed to hear, it all makes sense now. I stagger out of the alphas study, knocking down some books on my way out, the last thing I heard was the Luna asking me if I was okay. My world is spinning...

Everything hurts..

More tears run down both my cheeks. It didn't matter If the other wolves stopped to stare at me, I didn't have it in me to do anything right now. My heart was aching. I felt betrayed and I didn't know why. Yuri has had other boyfriends in the past and it didn't bother me.
Why am I hurting so much?

Why am I thinking about him?

Is this how it feels to be heartbroken?

I looked up slowly to see him rushing down the hallway with his signature grin spread across his face.

Domincs POV

'Don't think about it, just do it, don't think about it, just do it '

I repeated to myself as I rushed down the hallway, towards him.
He just stood there staring at me, it felt like something was off with him but I shrug the thought away, my mind was just playing tricks on me giving me a reason to back down.

Don't think about it, just do it...

And I did it, I rushed towards him, took his face in my hands then pressed my lips against his.

It felt beyond amazing to say the least, my knees became weak from all the excitement that travelled inside me. It was similar to what I felt with Yuri but this felt....Pure.
It felt like electricity travelled across my body, making me lean in for more, but there was one problem

He wasn't kissing back...

I opened my eyes then pull back, raising my hands to shield my face from the light that emanated from Raven. He was glowing...brighter than the last time...this time he glowed so hurt.

His blazing eyes were the only thing I could see before it all went black and I feel my body crash against the hard floor.

"Dominic! " that was my mothers voice... She sounded worried

"What have you done to him?! " father...


Things are about to get serious between Raven and Dominic Hehehe...just let me know what you think about the past chapters

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