Prt 2: Chapter 1

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Raven's POV

I tried to not breathe too loudly, the faintest of sounds would give away my location. When I was sure I had completely lost them I proceeded to taking a step forward which I immediately regretted. My foot landed on a twig which snapped in contact with my foot.

I curesed under my breath, mentally face palming myself

"There He is!" I could hear them yell from far behind me

And so the hunt continued...
I began to run through the thick forest, skillfully dogging daggers being thrown my way by Venira, Luna of Phoenix pack.
In tin air her daggers turned into bats that chased after me like missiles.

Vines stretched out from tree branches blocking which ever path I turned to pass. I managed to escaped the bats by flickering my glow when ever a bat got too close and it'd instantly turn into white ash and mix with the wind, But they moved faster than I could blink. My body came crashing to the muddy floor as my foot was tangled in rapidly growing vines.
The vines kept on growing even untop of my body, tightening it's grip on my limbs, almost raising me off the forest floor entirely.
With a sharp but brief glow the Vines fell flat on the ground then I kicked them off as fast as I could.

Which wasn't fast enough because the hair behind my head tingled, indicating incoming attack. I squat in a spot, looking over my shoulders, my my heart was threatening to burst of of my chest any minute, the suspense was killing me.
I turn to my left just in time to dodge a punch coming directly towards me, just as I was about to counter attack with my own punch the figure vanished only to reappear behind me, landing a clean hit to my spine that sent me crashing to the floor...again

It was pointless trying to land a hit on someone that disappears everytime I tried to glow blink. I received punch after punch without being able to do anything to defend myself. Soon the vines began to grow closer and closer to the spot where I was stood. The bats merged together to form a wild cat who sprinted directly towards me, snapping it's jaws.

I could have increased my light intensity and turn everything within a 20 mile radius into white ash but that'd defeat the whole purpose of today's training.

I need to do something and I need to do it fast. I bite my lips in my attempt to focus on the pain. I could feel the tingly sensation of my glow spread through the tips of my fingers into the air that surrounded me, soon this part of the forest was covered with heavy darkness, not even the light of the sun reached here. Black light, it's a new technique I avoid using because of its effect after effect on me.i watched the figure disappear and reappear throwing empty punches into the air, repeatedly missing me. I had no difficultly finding my way around, I maneuvered my way around all my attackers as I watched them stumble around in darkness until I made my way to the finish line just before the darkness wore out. I rested my hands on my knees as I spit out blood.
'Never using black light again' I thought to myself, raising my shirt to wipe the blood from my lips.

"Well done"
Cuthbert cheered, clapping his hands together upon my arrival at the safe zone.

"Hey, that's not fair!" Venira grumbled stepping out of the forest along side Lucka and Summer.

"Dude could have turned us all to white ash but him ceasing our sight is what is not fair?" Cuthbert asked with a raised brow and I high five him.

Raven 7, y'all sorry asses 0. That's 7 for every single day of this week. I smiled, shaking my head slightly

"You did well"
Cuthbert patted my back and I smiled
"Come on go wash up, you have mud all over" He brought his hands up to remove a piece of dirt that hung to my hair

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