Chapter 2

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Ravens POV

"ah... Trina! "
I groan
"can't you be a little bit more gentle" I try to pull my hands away from her grip

"Hey don't you yell at me young man "
she replied tugging at my hand harder,
making me yelp in pain again
"gosh you're such a wussy" she said, rolling her eyes

Trina is Dominic's aunt, the new pack doctor, one of the very few healers in the pack. Healers are rare, seers are rare, wolves that glow in dark are extinct. I hate my life.

101th time I am complaining about my powers this week...yeah I know.

you're probably curious about what happened back there


" I knew sending Dominic to get you was a terrible idea"

Oh Fuck... I stare wide eyed at the  flaming woman at the end of the hall way.

Raven Luther... You are toast!


"Niola... I.. I can explain " I turn to look at Dominic with pleading eyes so he could help me out of this one

Wait...where is Dominic ?

"there goes the smart one " Niola points out
I follow her gaze to the boy running hysterically down the hallway.

That fucker bailed on me!

I slowly turned my head to look back at the flaming woman.... Literally flaming! Niola could summon flames
and With that cool and dangerous power you should know what comes next.

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" she almost made you into bacon "
Trina teased but I could see the pity in her eyes

"way to state the obvious "
I groan, resting my head backdown.

She just chuckled in return.
"I'm all done now " she gently layed my hand across my abdomen

My head shoots back up in surprise
"Why does it still hurt like hell?"
I look down at my once roasted arm to see that my skin was left without a scar, but damn, it still stings

"yeah, yeah the pain will be gone in a few days...if you are lucky " she whispered the last part.

Usually Niola burnt me as punishment but I was able to heal my self being a werewolf and all but this time she actually burnt to kill... The worst part is that I am still expected to make it to training when I am done here, can you believe that woman!?

"Urrgh! I'm going to kill that bitch "
I groan, placing my good arm over my eyes as I mentally prepare my self for the pain that is to come when I try to pull myself to my feet...and that was when I heard an all too familiar chuckle.

"bitch huh?"

Raven Luther what is wrong with you!? Do you have a death wish!

I stare at the entrance of the pack clinic with horror and my eyes were welcomed by the firey blue eyes of gamma Niola, leaning on the door frame was the same physco that put  me in here.

"N-Niola... "
I shutter, sweat already gathering on my forehead

She shrugs her shoulders and gives a maniacal chuckle in return
"relax pup... I just came to check up on you"

I raised a brow at her
she is totally onto something, Niola didn't care if I was alive or dead

"that plus your Dad threatened to rip my heart out if anything bad happened to you. Drama queen am I right? " she rolled her eyes at the last part.

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