Part2: Chapter 15

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Ravens POV

Neutralizing the Rouge pack was easy, it is normal for rouge wolves whose gifts were enhanced by the blood moon to attack bigger packs, but they are not who we are worried about.

The red moon was above us, now and then i could hear the hawls of rouge wolves that danced around the borders of moon bound too scared to cross into our lands.
Usually we would go after them but we need every single werewolf old enough to transform ready to defend the pack house just incase Drulock decides to show up.

"It's almost Over, do you think Neon and the others succeeded?"
I heard Ozi say
how I hoped that was true. But I know the kind of life I live, nothing ever goes that easy, not when I'm involved.

Usually the blood moon called for festivities but tonight we were too afraid, with good reason, the Phoenix pack were known for their unusual gift, this is besides the fact that their Alpha has outlived generations.

Hours passed and still no sign of the Phoenix wolves.

I finally walked up to where Dominic was stood, I have had my eyes on him the whole time, occasionally caught him stealing glances as well.

"Hey, it looks like we'll survive the night"
He spoke, trying to ease the stern look that was permanently fixed on my face.

"but let's not let our guard down"
He paused thoughtfully
"Come with me"
He held my hands and began to pull me back into the pack house and then up familiar stairs

"What are we doing here"
I asked him when we finally arrived at the roof top, our spot...
The last time we were here together, alone, well we both know what happened.

"It's the highest point of the pack house"
His expression was soft as he gleefully squints his eyes to look ahead
"Come here"
He pulled me until I was stood in front of him, my back was rested on his chest,
One hand still held on to my bicep while the other wrapped around my neck to tilted my chin upwards.

"What are you doing?"
I attempted to protest but it barely sounded like a whisper

"You have always had better sight, do you see anything there?"
He pointed towards into the forest ahead of us

My voice was shaky, my legs were weak. I could feel the heat from his body. I tired to breathe in sync with him, inhaling when he did and exhaling when he did. If it were a normal night were the blood moon didn't weaken our wolves and enhanced our gifts, my wolf would have been begging to come out.
I quickly cleared my throat, taking a closer look
"It's all clear" I repeated, tilting my head to look at his face through my shoulders

We stayed like this for a while.
I know he is feeling what I am feeling right now.
Despite my effort, my breathing became irregular once more when he wrapped his hands around my waist, one hand under my shirt, I shivered slightly when it came in contact with my bare skin. He rested his head on my back, I could feel him breathing deeply as he tightened his grip.

Oh boy...

I called out to him

"Quite" he muttered
"Just...keep looking"
His voice held no expression which made it hard to guess what could possibly be going through his mind.

We must have  stayed like this longer than we should have, the sun was starting to rise.
I didn't realize that we have been standing there for hours.

Well, until my legs became wobbly

'Does this mean Neon succeeded?'
I thought to myself

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