chapter 5

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"Woo! We are here"

Cassandra yells as Dominic pulls into a free parking spot in front of Lucas's house. Through out the drive my eyes were fixed on Dominic, he has been acting weird. He has seen me use my power countless times and he literally sees me naked almost everyday, we are werewolves.
Why is he making such a big deal out of this one?

The ladies rush out of the vehicle leaving Dominic who is clearly lost in his thoughts and I in the car, how I wish I was able to infiltrate his thoughts like he does to me. I punch his shoulder softly

"Hey ass hat, what's up with you?"

He smiles at me in response before proceeding to open his door

"come on, let's go"

I follow after him. When I finally catch up with him, I swing my hands over his shoulders.
"you're probably going to get laid but don't drink too much, you're our designated driver.  Vanessa and Cassandra are probably going to pass out in the lawn or something, I need you to take me home alive, got it? "

I joked, not like werewolves ever got drunk, sometimes we have to fake it just so we blend in with the humans, I was just trying to lighten the mood.

This probably has something to do with his Dad and Alpha duties.

He chuckles in return before we were separated by the crowd of hormonal teenagers dancing all over the place.

I hate it already.

I peacefully found my way to the bar,  shoving people out of my way....peacefully.

I grab a beer, then popped it open with my fingers, that's when I took notice of my arm. It felt better than okay. I flex my arm around before shrugging it off and taking a large chug off my beer.

After what felt like an eternity but in reality was just two hours...i gathered enough courage to sniff out Yuri,  I know she's her I can smell her but it I couldn't pin point her location,  they were alot of strong smells from all over the place...especially Dominic's

"Hey! Raven my man"
Lucas cheers, bumping my shoulder gently, I could snap those hands like twigs. I smile at that thought

"I hope you're having a good time ?"
He added. Seriously, can he not tell that I don't like him? I won't hear the end of it if I start a fight in this party so I might as well play along.

"The party is okay "
I said with a blank expression on my face hoping he'd get the message and take a hike.

"good good" he replied, nodding to the beat of the music

apparently not...

"so me and some of the guys are playing tug of war across the pool. "
He smiles at himself, then continued
"The rope goes across the pool the aim is to pull the opposite team into the pool, it's quite simp_"

"I know how to play tug of war Lucas "
I cut him off, trying really hard not to roll my eyes... Or smash his skull.
I smile at that

I have a problem.

"Great, you're in! we could really use your muscles. It would have been really difficult going up against Luther, I don't know what that guy eats "
He chuckles, reaching out to the counter to grab a new drink.

If you only knew what he eats, that dumb pup...

Oh no... He probably saw my smile and thought that I was actually interested.

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