Chapter 10

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Sorry I took so long to upload another chapter I've been really busy with school PS I wasn't really able to write during the holidays. For those of you who can't tell already this is my first story here on wattpad so they'll be alot of mistakes, sorry about that 🙏🏾... Leave a comment and let me know what you think about the story so far 😁😁😁
Thank youuuuuu ♥

Ravens POV

My head was buried in between my knees as I was sat at the very end of my cell.
I don't really remember what happened, all I could recall was Dominic's lips on mine and then I lost it...

I really hope he is okay. It has been two months and I haven't had any visitors besides Niola, the only werewolf Alpha Peter allows near me. The whole pack is scared of me and my unusual gift. Niola came from time to time to check up on me and bring me food, most times she comes just to talk, keeping me up to date with pack activities. Her conversations were one sided though, seeing as I've not spoken a single word since I was locked in here. No, I haven't forgotten how to speak, I just lost interest in everything....
All that mattered was Dominic.

I attacked the future Alpha with my gift, I didn't even know I could do that, I still don't know what happened, I don't know why I am still alive even. Attacking an Alpha or a member of his family was death at the spot, Pack law.
Death wouldn't be such a bad thing. I wasn't scared of being sentenced to death, I was scared I'd die without getting to talk to Dominic, I have so many questions.

My eyes shoot open when I hear the sound of jingling keys from the hallway of the dungeon.

doesn't smell like Niola this time.

I stare for some seconds before finally catching sight of who it was....Miracle.

He was walking towards me with a full try and an even fuller smile which would fade once he came close enough.
As for the tray, I'll add that to my collection, I haven't been able to eat anything for days so I just pile them up under the bed.

"Hey Rav... "
He says trying to force a weak smile when in reality I knew that he was sorry for me. I didn't know if I was happy to see him or not I'd have preferred if it was Niola or Dominic... He's all that has been on my mind for the past two months.

"'s really nice to see you again" he let's out a forced chuckle
"Niola was right you look really horrible" he continues
Try being locked up for two months
"you know you're really going to die from starvation if you keep piling up all your food under your bed"

I was too tired to force a smile or make out any expression at all so I just stared at him with empty eyes, He knows I only want to hear about Dominic.
He then proceeded to sliding the food tray down the silver bars.

"You haven't been eating Raven "
I could hear the sadness in his voice as he states the obvious but I continued staring at him.

He let's out a deep sigh as he squats in front of the bars careful not to get too close, I couldn't tell if it was because he was scared of me or of the silver bars.
Silver is one of the only metals that is able to actually do damage to a werewolf and it is the only thing keeping me from marching up to Dominic's room to get answers.

"I have good news "
He paused "but, I won't tell you about it if you don't take a bite at least "

I stare at him, my face still void of emotions.

"it's about Dominic "

My eyes light up at the sound of his name and before I knew it I saw myself hurrying to the tray. The sight of food irritated me, I haven't eaten a single bite since I was thrown in here by Beta Cain. I felt like throwing up by just looking at the stake as it laid on the plate.

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