Chapter 1

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Raven's POV

she laced her fingers with mine, her hands were tiny compared to my larger ones.
What felt like  bolts of electricity spread across my skin having her this close to me at long last.

"I thought I'd never find you "
My voice was not as
firm as I had intended, but how I sounded was the least of my worries at the moment. You have no idea how long I have waited to be able to hold her in my arms like this, I wasted no time in wrapping my hands around her waist.

Her large blue eyes stared right back at my red ones...

I began to glow...

And for once I was grateful for the gift the moon goddess cursed me with.

I tightened my grip on her waist "now that I have found you, I will never let you go....never" I placed my head on her neck trying to lean in enough to be able to get her sweet scent but for some reason she smells like sweat and....after shave?

"babe... " I called out pulling my head back just enough to be able to see her angelic face

her voice drenched in mischief.
It sounded just like that of Dominic....

She smelled like him too...
Now that I think about it, there's only one guy I know that uses after shave without taking a shower and without actually shaving!

I exclaimed, eyes shoot open and were welcomed by the sea blue eyes of Dominic staring straight into mine, with his signature smirk that I hate so much. His messy blond hair touching my forehead because he was right on top of me with my arms still wrapped around his waist!

"you'll never let me go huh" He
leans down to whispers in my ear, still not losing his mischievous smirk

I groaned quickly untangling my arms from his waist and pushing him off me, for some weird reason my heart aches as he lands on the wooden floor, his evil smirk erupting into an equally evil laughter

"what the fuck man! You're so creepy "  I said, seating up and glaring daggers at him

"your face... " he says, trying to get a hold of himself
"oh my...dude...your face! This is never not funny "

"it's not funny! " I groan hitting him with a pillow "that was invasion of privacy you dimwit! The next time you leap into my dream I'll fucking kill you"

All werewolves were born with special gifts, courtesy of the moon goddess, Mine was plain stupid, all I could do was glow. It was so terrible that my parents took me to the old pack doctor to try to fix me...not like it was of any use anyway, by the time we got to the her cabin she was no where to be found.
She has been missing ever since.

I blame myself, it's my fault for not locking the door, not like that would have stopped him anyway.

He rolls on the floor still laughing uncontrollably.

"haha...very funny"
I roll my eyes

"Sorry.... I was just so curious, you looked so peaceful. I was actually sent here by Niola to wake you up, She said something about you being late for beta practice and stuff" 
He hops off the floor and back to my bed fixing his hair which is now messier than usual.

"damn man. Strong grip " he teased punching my shoulder softly then proceeding to massage his waist.

I groan at the sound of practice and Niola, Urrgh way to start the day.

Niola is the pack gamma, she's in charge of all things battle. She trains pack warriors and she's the warden of the pack dungeon.... and she's my personal trainer.
As the future Beta of the crescent bound moon pack I need to up my game when it came to training and thanks to my....well... Politely said, not so useful gift, I get extra hours of training with Niola.

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