chapter 7

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"I have been called alot of things by my subjects but...'Bitch' is creative" she smiled thoughtfully

"Luna- Luna.. I am soo sorry, I didn't mean that."
I apologized, face palming myself mentally. It's official I definitely have a death wish, first the Gamma, now the Luna.

Raven you are on a roll, I seem to be stepping up my target.

She giggles, then rests her hand on my shoulder in her attempt to calm me down. I am visibly shaking.
Don't get me wrong, Luna Claire is absolutely lovely, sometimes I wonder how she ended up with the grumpy Alpha, I don't even know how someone this awesome was able to birth a complete jackass like Dominic.

She was gifted with mind control, just like Dominic, but I am not sure what her strong point is, for Dominic it's his eyes, one look and you're hooked.

"d-do you want to come in? "
I ask trying to return her reassuring smile, but she waves it off

"no sweetie, I just came by to check up on you, I heard Niola went full fire cracker on you. How are you doing? "
she asked, genuinely concerned!

Dominic should get a maternity test

"oh... I am fine, fully healed " I let out a humourless laughter while trying to figure out which arm got burnt.

Was it left or right?

"which arm was it? " she watched  in amusement as I looked between between both hands.

I just stretched both out for her with a playful grin.

"Waw... They are completely healed. Trina was wrong on her judgement, her description of the accident made it seem much worst...or preharps Niola has lost her heat"
she finished with a wink, I laughed at that

Oh how I wish that was true...

I don't have a reasonable explanation as to why I healed that fast honestly, only healers can heal themselves this fast and this completely but I am the farthest thing from a healer.

I am a glow stick...yaayyy

"yeah... Maybe she has"

"Don't let her hear you though"
she let  go of my hands
"oh well since you're fine, I guess I'll be heading back to my Quarters now"
she pat my shoulder, with a gentle smile then turns around

"oh and Raven " she stops in her track

"Yes Luna? "

"You don't happen to know what happened with the light bulbs do you?, it's just that all the bulbs in the pack house all died at once "
I stare at her in confusion

"Uhm..well... I-"

"He doesn't know anything "
We both turn our heads to meet a very tired looking Dominic standing at the edge of the hallway

"Oh..Hello son"
the Luna greets walking towards Dominic. He walks right past her then forcefully takes my wrist and pulls me back inside my room

"Goodnight " He spat before slamming the door

"Hey... Dominic "
I try to pull my hand away from his strong grip but instead he pulls me into a tight hug

Here we go again...

I hug him back and decide to let everything that has happened go for now.

"You hold me an explanation tomorrow "
I whisper into his ear, he chuckles in reponse but came out sounding like a growl.

First chuckle this night...

I sigh and sank into the embrace. There is always this special feeling I get whenever Dominic is around, all my troubles seem to disappear, maybe it's because he's my alpha, There's always a special bond between alphas and their betas...but I doubt the bond makes Betas want to hug their Alphas. I frown at the thought of Beta Cain and Alpha Peter hugging.

Okay eeww

Is it just me or is Dominic becoming heavier?

Oh shit he's snoring!

"Do-Dominic! " how was he even able to fall asleep while standing.

Urrgh... Dumb son of a....Queen! Queen...

I stand there in frustration, this is the second time he's falling asleep untop of me this week. What am I going to do to this guy.

Okay... We are bending, why are we bending!?

Before I could do anything to stop it our bodies were welcomed by the hard wooden floor

"Ouch... "
I yelp in pain then Dominic rolls over putting his hand on top of my face. The harder I push him away the the weirder he positions himself, now his head is oddly positioned on my crotch.
Yeah that means his butt was on my head now.

I lay still, too afraid to move...his head is on a sensitive spot now, I don't want to risk anything happening to my...gems.

I lay there in agony until I drift into sleep.


It was very hard holding back the laughter that itched my throat.
I could hear his continuous grumbling until it finally stopped.
He must have fallen asleep.

As comfortable I was I couldn't risk him suffocating to death so I adjusted until I am staring at his closed eyes....even when closed they look so angelic. His lips...i brush his lips with my fingers and I regretted it immediately why are his lips so soft. I want to kiss him.
I would give everything up just to have those lips on mine.
Before I knew it I found myself leaning closer and closer, it took the grace of the goddess to hold myself back from kissing this boy.
This is all just too weird and unexplainable, as much as it aches my heart, I have found my mate but is it possible that I might have fallen in love with Raven?
The mating bond is the strongest force in the world, I am not supposed to feel this way.

With that thought I figured that it'd be safer for Raven, Yuri and I if I slept somewhere else so I hopped of the floor and headed for the door only stopping at the hall way to glance at Raven one more time.

Look at him sleep... So peaceful
I Wonder what he's dreaming about...

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