Chapter 6

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The drive back to the pack house was  quiet, something happened with Dominic tonight and I'll probably bring it up tomorrow when he feels better. I can see him from the rear view mirror folded up in the back seat occasionally glancing my way.

"Hey, I didn't see Yuri today. You kinda have her scent all over you"
I tried to start a conversation l, turning back a little to get a glimpse of his face. He does smell like Yuri, maybe they met while I was busy playing tug of war with that loser.

All I got from him was a growl in response

Okay... Probably bring that up later too.

I would be a liar if I said that Dominic didn't scare me,  I mean I have never seen him this upset before. At first he was acting all weird during our ride to the party, now he's in a shitty mood.

Has he finally gone mad...being mateless and all?

I turned on the radio, trying to ease the tension in the car, Then snaps his head my way then growls flashing me his canines.
I roll my eyes in response
"Suck it up Bitch "
I exclaimed, increasing the volume. Then he folds into his knees, still growling.


We finally made it to the pack house and Dominic doesn't wait for the car to stop before leaping out and rushing inside.

"You're welcome!"
I yell, unbuckling my seat belt. Well this was an eventful night, I was really looking forward to seeing Yuri though but oh well maybe some other time.

I lock the doors, toss the keys in my pocket then make my way into the pack house.

I need a bath to get the smell of humans off me.


I walk into my room the slam the door shut.
'I never wanted this to happen'

I thought dropping myself to the floor.
I have always wanted find my mate but I never actually thought I'll find one.

"Urrgh " I yell pulling at my hair
"why her, why her, why her!"

I protest, lifting myself off the floor and rushing into the bathroom, I quickly take off my clothes and toss them to the side. I turned on the shower and searched around for my soap.
The cold water was like glue on my skin, I scrubbed my skin forcefully. I wanted the tingling to stop, I may have scrubbed it way too hard my skin was starting to bruise but that didn't stop me.

Why won't it go away? I could feel the tears start to gather.

I drop to my knees on the bathroom floor, I couldn't hold the subs back anymore.

I have heard about the mate bond and it was supposed to be an unforgettable feeling. At this rate the only unforgettable thing will be the bruises on my skin.
All of this feels unnatural to me.

(Back at the party)

I needed to get away from Raven, all this is just too weird for me. I have never seen Raven as anything more than a friend before but after seeing him in the bathroom looking so comfortable with being him self, that triggered something that had been buried deep down within me.

His lips....

I just can't stop thinking about the way his lips stretch everytime he smiles.
I can feel my heart beating faster, I didn't realize when I bumped into someone in the hallway.

Oh shit...

"Hey watch it, you-" she pauses when she see my face
"Uhmm... Dominic.. Hi"

"Hey Yuri, I am so sorry" I stand there with apologetic eyes watching her wipe herself with a napkin

" Urrgh!  I am so clumsy " I groan face palming myself.

"it's okay"
she giggles
"it was my fault too, I wasn't paying attention "
she says,sending me a reassuring smile.

"Here let me help you "
I reach out for the napkin then my finger brushes hers, That's when I felt it....the shock. I can tell that she felt it too because the napkin dropped from her hand.

We stared at it each other for sometime. I was secretly praying that It wasn't what i thought it was.

Then all of a sudden, she slams her lips against mine, it sends bolts flying all over my body. I just couldn't push her back. I pushed her up against a door, turns out the door was already open so we slide right in and she shut the door behind us with her leg.

I kissed her hungrily as her hands caressed my body. I can slowly feel myself transforming I was kissing her but thinking about....Raven. I loosened the button of her blouse, the kiss was electrifying but it felt like there was something missing, something I have not felt yet. My body wanted more of her but my mind was all over the place. I kissed down her neck, earning a moan from her. It eventually became rough. I was not  satisfied, the feeling is hard to describe, it was like trying to get a hold of something that is supposed to be there but just... isn't.

I looked up at her face what lovely eyes she has, deep brown...almost seeming red, red like Ravens.

And that is when it hit me, I was making out with my Best friends crush. Maybe thats why I couldn't stop thinking about Raven, I was betraying him, I know he likes her and here I am making out with her.
The image of Raven in the bathroom this morning came back to my mind.
My head was going crazy, it felt like I was betraying Raven, but at the same time a little part of me wanted to embrace the fact that I have found mate, then there was that little part that I still couldn't describe.

"Dominic... Dominic you're hurting me"

Oh shit...

My claws were digging into her arm, I immediately let her go then sprinted towards the door.
I was really on wolf was on edge with a mix of emotions

Anger, lust, sadness...this is not how I thought I'd feel after finding my mate.

Back to date:

I pull my self off the floor and turn of the shower. My bruises were healed by now.
My mind was in a loop, replaying what happened a few hours ago.
I need to be close to Raven, he always made me feel better.

Ravens POV

The shower was refreshing, it didn't help in stopping this terrible headache.
I can't remember the last time I fell sick.

Oh no am I coming on to something?

Wolves hardly ever fall sick so I hope this headache goes away before I wake up tomorrow.  I groan at the thought of another intensive training with Niola.

I hop onto my bed, after tossing and turning for sometime I finally found a comfortable position. Then I hear a knock on my door.

"Dominic go away I am not letting you in tonight,  I am not allowing you mess with my dreams "
I yell burying my head under the pillow. That didn't stop him though, the knocking continued.

The knocking plus my mysterious headache it felt like my head would explode! I fling my blanket over and march to door

"I'm going to kill you! son of a bitch" I said flinging the door open.

Fuck... Oh fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! Im fucked!

My heart sank as I am face to face with an amused Luna

Raven Luther....fuckedddddd!

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