Chapter 14

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Dominics POV

The pack council discussed for sometime, sharing ideas and raising suggestions. Niola suggested that we bought the land separating crescent bound moon pack from the closest phoenix pack territory and both Alphas seemed to like the idea.

The meeting went on into the night and at some point I became terribly bored, I shifted tiredly on my seat, all this time I've been sneaking glances at Raven hoping to catch him staring back at me.

This guy!
I am the one with all the reasons to be upset.

'fake friend'

I mind linked him directly, making sure to exclude the other pack members. Normally, the Alpha can over ride a mind link to be part of the discussion but years of practice got me here.

He shifted nervously on his seat, still refusing to look my way, which makes me smile. I could tell that he didn't expect me to do this here.

'Heyyyy fake bestie.... Helloooo'
I Continued
'I know you know I know you can hear me right?'
I wasn't close to him but I saw him realize a deep sigh, which only makes my smile grow wider but I tried my best to straighten my face so as not to call too much attention to us.

'leave me alone Dominic, you're going to put us...' He paused...
'you are going to put me in trouble'

I almost jumped in excitement when he finally spoke back, I repositioned myself on my seat, this time resting on the table entirely so I am staring directly at him.

After a few minutes of waiting I caught him sneak a glance at me.

'A-ha! I saw that'
I exclaimed

No response

'you know, you are really a piece of shit, I know you have missed me'

Still, No response. he nervously shakes his legs, I could tell by the way the rest if his body jerked.

goddess, he looks so adorable when disturbed.... I've missed this.
I smile at myself, I have so much power over this kid so I continued, this time just placing my complaints directly

'I can't believe you did this Raven, I mean I know you're mad at me for being mated to Yuri but come on dude! You of all people should understand how shitty the moon goddess is when it comes to mating, we have been friends for as long as I can remember, the least you could do was tell me that you were going on a trip for two weeks! Dudeee I almost lost my mind waiting for you... but I forgive you, I am willing to put all this behind us and be the bigger person.... '

'wait... What are you talking about?'
He cuts me off 'What trip? '
He turns to face me directly with a confused expression seated on his face.
I think confusion is contagious because now I too am confused. Was he not aware that he went on a trip?

'Your... Trip, the one you've been on for the past two weeks'
I finished with a raised brow. I watched his facial expressions go from confused to thoughtful before finally settling in anger.

'are you for real Dominic??, I was locked up in the dungeon for two months after you kissed me and you're turning it into a joke, I can't believe this '
He finished, rolling his eyes

Okay wooooowww slow down, I think I am becoming dizzy again. I don't know where to start from, was he joking with me?
The mindlink prevents any form of hypocrisy seeing as I am directly connected to his mind so I can tell that Raven wasn't making things up, but it makes no sense, Raven Luther is my best friend, my assigned Beta, why the hell would I want to kiss him?
Yeah I mean the thought has crossed my mind once or twice or right now... But I don't remember ever kissing him. Urrhh my head hurts.

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