Chapter 4

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Yuri pushes me back until my head meets the wall, I can hear the pounding sound of music coming from the party down stairs.
She rests her arm on my neck then slams her lips against mine.

'Oh boy this is happening'

I quickly wrapped my hands around her waist kissing her back passionately. The kiss was everything but gentle. She reaches down to rest her hand on my length which is threatening to tear my pants open anytime now. She lets out a soft moan as I nibble on her neck then proceeded to unbuckle my belt. My breathe is cut short as she slides down on me slowly not breaking eye contact. Then she...

"woaw Woaw! Okay slow down"
I open my eyes to see Dominic seating on my bed with a soda in his right hand and an amused look on his face.

I suddenly became aware of my erection, I was probably moaning in my sleep too. After putting two and  two together I shoot my head up to glare at him but he raises his hands in submission

"Hey don't look at me like that, I just got here I had nothing to do with your.... Dream " his smirk growing

The last thing I remember was me and him passed out on the floor. I groan forcing my self off the floor and walking into the bathroom to splash some water on my face and hopefully, will my boner away, that wasn't so hard anyways, Being caught in this awkward position is enough to make the boner go away. Don't get me wrong I am not ashamed of Dominic seeing me like this.... Okay maybe I am alittle. Werewolves don't really care much, we are more comfortable nude. On normal days when other pack members are not around our pack members walk around nude, with their business all over the place.

"Uhm... So that weird kid what's his name again....Lucas, I think is throwing a party tonight."
I said walking out of the bathroom as I start undressing out of my the rest of my training gear.

"oh cool. We can go"
he replies bringing the soda up to his face

"it's fine if you don't want to come, I'll just go find Miracle and tell him that we can't make it "
I protested.

"No, it's okay, Lucas is a good kid, weird though but he's fun to be around...when he's not talking about his obsession with killing vampires, which I think is cool. "

I groan. He doesn't get it. I walk to seat beside him now completely naked.

"You don't get it, Dominic I understand if you don't want to go tonight because you are tired, we'll  just cancel " trying not to break eye contact with him, I don't know if I was hoping to develop hypnosis all of a sudden

"Raven... You don't want to go to the party do you? "he tilts his head childishly

"What... No... Pffft why would you say that. Gimme that " I snatch the soda from his hand, emptied it in my mouth with one gulp then tossed the empty can aside.

"this is because of a certain Yuri isn't it "
He pokes my shoulder, earning a glare from me
"just say it,  you get all shy everytime you're around her. "

"No I do not"
I protested, he's completely right

"Yeah, right. Prove it then "

I glare him

peer pressure.

I glanced at the screen of my phone, it was 7 pm. The party starts at around 8 o clock. I ruffle my messy black hair in frustration and with one last groan I walk back into the bathroom
"go take a shower"
I could feel his smile widen knowing that he has won this argument

"the sooner we get there the better"
I stop at entrance of the door to take my towel from the hanger.

"alright!" he rejoices.

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