Chapter 13

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"Come here you filthy rat, I am going to kill you! "

We have been running round the pack house for what I am sure is almost an hour now.
She had something to do with that rat that poisoned me with wolfsbane while I was still in the dungeon. I don't know how she did it, she probably has the ability to control rats and feed them poison and also give them freakish human eyes, honestly I couldn't careless if she birthed the rat, the only thing on my mind right now is killing this bitch.

She ran down the stairs giggling like a little child, waving her hands above her head.

Am I a joke to this woman!?

Of course, we earned a few weird stares from the other wolves in the pack house, some even stopped entirely to watch us as we ran in circles around one of the many large dinner tables.
Soon I got tired of her constant giggling and always being on the other side of the table away from my reach, so I flipped the dinner table over, all its content dropping to the floor some ceramic plates and wine glasses shattering from the impact.

She bent down just in time as the table narrowly misses her head.
I am going to pay for the damages done to the table so it would have been completely worth it if I had injured her at least.

she looks up at me with wide eyes
"are you crazy, that would have killed me!" she looked genuinely shocked like realization just hit her that I was not joking about wanting to behead her.

I roll my eyes at her exaggeration
"don't be so melodramatic, a table that size would need to be made of silver or"
My smirk growing
"coated with wolfsbane before it'd actually kill you" I leaned forward to pick up a piece of the broken glass that laid on the floor, making sure it was sharp enough before pouncing on her.

Once again like with my multiple attempts this night she slipped away from my reach.
and the chase continues, Only that this time she wasn't giggling uncontrollably like before. She screamed hysterically like a scared little child as she approached the stair cases which I hoped would slow her down.

"I promise I wasn't trying to assassinate you"
she said as she jumped down from the stair case, skipping all fourteen of the stairs.

'Damn... How can someone that small move so fast'
I thought to myself, trying to catch my breath as I approached the stairs
"I swear I am going to go back to the dungeon when I am done with you"
I point out to her but by this time she was long gone but I could still smell her.
I am not giving up until I pluck her tiny head from her tiny body.

I followed her scent then ended up in the meeting room.

Stupid...I know this pack like the back of my hands, hiding inside the meeting room won't save you

"Oh I've got you now piece of shit"
I said, piece of glass still at hand, smirking from cheek to ear as I got ready to kick the doors open
"I am going to fucking kill you... "

Oh Fuck..

Oh Fuck...

The doors flew open and I was welcomed by the amused faces of many werewolves, some I recognized and some I haven't seen before.

The meeting!

'How could I forget about the meeting' I thought, mentally face palming myself.
I could feel the irritated eyes of Alpha Peter glaring daggers at me, and it made me shift from foot to foot awkwardly before nervously dropping the piece of glass that I held.
As it crashed to the ground the sound echoed round the now quiet hall, way to go more attention to yourself.

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