Prt2: chapter 2

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"Alpha..." my voice was shaky, even though we weren't doing anything wrong...or anything for that matter. I stood up immediately and He laughs, probably at how ridiculous I look. Venira hurries to embrace her mate, her head was rested on his bare chest.

"Relax pup" Drulock says, wrapping his hands around Venira and pulling her closer to himself

After making out right in front of me for a good 15 minutes Drulock pulled back "Sweetie can you excuse us, Raven and I have some matters to attend to"
These people knew how to make a mateless wolf like myself hate my life.

Venira nodded with a smile then walked out obediently. Our training sessions were to be kept private at all cost...Drulock said.

"Very well Raven, we've wasted enough time already let's begin" He stated and I bowed slightly in response.
He walked to a small drawer beside his king sized bed then brought out a dagger, and with one swift move he sliced his throat.

Blood came gushing out. I watched him struggle for some time, fascinated by the amount of blood that gushed out, one would think that since he has been alive for thousands of years his blood would have a darker shade of red.
It didn't, in case you're wondering...

normally He'd be able to heal himself but I figured that the dagger was coated with wolfsbane. I must have spent too long watching his blood spray paint the entire room because his body came crashing down as he continued to struggle stretching his hands out to me for help, his eyes almost bulging out of his Alpha head....and that's when it hit me


I hurry to his side taking his head on my lap then focusing on his pulse like he thought me to, it was difficult this time around, there almost wasn't any pulse to focus on, that's when I began to panic. Fuck fuck fuck fuck I am going to be killed in the worst possible way if the Alpha dies because of me.
I closed my eyes and focused on his weak heart beat instead. I can't explain the immense relief I felt when the tingles spread through my body...I began to glow but the sensation was different from the one of earlier today. Soon the blood that stained his bed sheets and walls turned to white ash and he began to gasp for air, holding on to my arm.

"Damn... Ra-ven, what took you so long" He said in between deep breaths. I didn't have a response as to why I took so long to help him, I don't know what came over me
"You're getting stronger" He continued. As soon as I stopped glowing I passed out and there was nothing but darkness.


"Raven... "

I turned to look at Dominic as we drove back from Luca's party.
"I know things were not meant to happen like this... But I don't regret a thing"
Dominic said, tightening in grip on my hands which were locked in his, and just like magic we were no longer inside the car but out in the sunny fields.

"where is this place?"
I looked around in awe, the flowers here are not like the ones we grow in our territory. He finally realized his grip on my hands only to cup my face, His touch sends chills down my spin and goose bumps around my skin
Yuhp! I am definitely dead. I know Werewolves don't go to heaven but this is some really weird shit going on in hell.

"listen to me Raven I don't have time....i know you have questions, I know you're confused, Things were not meant to happen like this, no matter what happens don't for one minute think that you are to blame... It's not your fault, it never was and never will are the reason I survived this long Raven...i promise I'll figure this out then everything will make perfect sense" he rests his forehead on mine and just like before the environment began to change. Dark clouds formed above us as heavy winds began to blow... I stood there very confused and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared but Dominic didn't move, forehead still resting on mine with closed eyes.
I have never been so confused and so at peace at the same time. His lips parted but I couldn't hear what he was saying because of the raging wind that threatened to uproot us.

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