chapter 3

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"Get out"
I growled, flashing my canines.

"Raven I know you are upset "
He slowly backs away from the night stand as I enter inside the room completely, eyes still fixed on him. I snapped my fangs, throwing the closest object my hands could grab in his direction.

chemistry text book. whatever

He yelps in pain as the huge textbook hit him square in his face. It did not do as much damage as I would have liked though but we can work with that. I quickly move my hands around my bookshelf looking for books big enough to make him feel pain!!!

"Raven please calm down I can explain"
he pleaded, shielding his face as I throw more books his way. I pause for a second to raise a brow at him

"Okay. I don't have an explanation but_"
He jumps right in time to avoid the giant astronomy text book I sent flying towards his crotch.

He yells running into the bathroom and slaming the door shut.

"You can't stay there forever, Coward! "
I say banging at the door, I only stop when the pain in my injured arm begins to resurface.

"Raven! I'm your alpha, I command you to stop attacking me lets talk this out, Communication is key Raven "
that last line clears out all my doubts, he's not sorry, he finds this amusing.

"okay fine...come on out let's talk "
for a while he didn't say anything then he slowly unlocks the door.
I slide my dagger out of my training gear, then backed up a few steps till I was positive I had a good shoot at removing an ear at least.

"Raven? "
he sticks his head out slowly then..


Shit I missed.

He screams in surprise then shuts the door again

"Raven! Dude what the hell man you could have killed me "

"Don't be so dramatic"
I roll my eyes 
"I was aiming for your large ears not you heart "
I told him, dropping myself on my bed then leaning down to undo my laces before proceeding to remove my boots entirely

"Raven I'm sorry but you have to hear me out"

He sighs then opens the bathroom door
For some reason I can't move I just seat there staring.

"It's not right to use your powers without reason you know"
I mind linked him

"Sorry, It was the only way to get you to calm down"
he cautiously walks out of the bathroom
"it's just that...I know I messed up leaving you behind but in my defence I did my part in waking you up and trying to get out in time " he finishes with a wide grin and a forced apologetic look, cautiously seating down on the other end of the bed.


"Okay fine, let me go."  I mind linked him, it's awful not having control of your own body.

"Promise not to behead me"

I promise. Mentally crossing my fingers.

I gasp for air as I feel myself taking control again, his powers are getting stronger. I massage my knuckles, still hurting from my multiple punchs to the door, I probably shouldn't have done that with my bad hand.

I turn around to glare at Dominic who stared at me with cautious eyes, too scared to move like I would behead him any second from now.
I stand up to take my shirt off, reassuring Dominic that it's all good now. Then when he least expected it I leapt on him, tackling him to the ground.

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