Chapter 12

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Dominic's POV

I've been walking around my room since I woke up to the good news, Raven is coming back from his trip today. It has only been two months but that is four weeks longer than I've gone without seeing him. I am a little bit upset that he went on a trip without saying goodbye, I know that he's angry at me but I didn't choose for things to be like this. I'd like to think that he left in a hurry, that's why he did not mention his trip to me, I know how demanding Alpha Peter can be at times, he really knows how to keep the pack in order.
That is why he's the Alpha...

That is why I am so proud to have him as my Father

One day I want to grow up and be a good leader just like him...just less grumpy.

I really hope Raven can forgive me for being mated to his Yuri. I didn't choose for things to be this way, believe me I would rather be mated to a Boy than Ravens all time crush, I know how much she meant to him but they say the moon goddess doesn't make mistakes so I am sure she has her reasons. I don't know how I am going to face him today if I actually came face to face with him but goddess knows I am so happy right now, I don't want to think about anything that would possibly spoil my mood. I guess we'll have to cross the bridge when we get there but for now, things are about to become really interesting in the pack, We are signing an alliance with Alpha Drulock, the Phoenix Alpha.
His pack members are known for their unique and unusual gifts, I have only been opportune to meet one of his pack members, her name is Venira, she's the crowned Beta just like Raven is to crescent moon bound pack and also the present Luna.

Unlike other packs the next Alpha and Beta are not handed down from father to offspring, the special markings appear on the wolves when they reach a certain age. We don't really get their customs but it's really none of our business, having them as an ally would be a huge advancement for my pack and that is really all that I care about.
That's basically what everyone cares about, making the Phoenix Alpha comfortable.

If Raven thinks his ability to glow in the dark is strange he should wait until he sees Venera's, she has the power to animate poison,  the other day I watched her turn wolfsbane into a rat. Imagine the advantage they'll have in battle with a gift like that, and that's just Venira...Alpha Drulock has the ability to conjure flames but that's not what makes him special. He is sometimes called the Phoenix wolf because he has been alive for centuries, Yup he's immortal. When ever he's killed he rises again from his ashes, hence the name.
He has been the alpha for many generations, imagine the secrets he hold.

A figure standing on my doorway pulls me away from my train of thought, I lean in to get a clear view of the person and was shocked to see Vanessa just standing there.

Hey Vanessa come on in, why are you standing there"
I welcomed her in, it has been like ages since I saw her last

"you know, you look really creepy just standing there like that"
She chuckles nervously 
"I am sorry, I just wanted to check up on you, Alpha Peter said you had a fever, how are you doing now? "
she walks in looking over her shoulders as if scared that she'd get caught and punished for being in here

I said, bumping her shoulder gently, she looked so nervous right now I was afraid she'd pee her pants if I punched her too hard
"don't worry, I am fine now"
I said giving her a reassuring smile.
"you hardly ever come around anymore, I don't think we've actually had time to hang out since Raven went on that trip, I mean the last time I saw you was the night of the party"
I finished watching her expression as it changed from cautious to confused.

"Trip.. Is that what they told you?"
she asked with furrowed brows and an expression that I couldn't read

okay now I am the one that is confused
"were you not aware? "
I asked

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