Prt2: Chapter 12

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Cuthbert's POV

By the time we got back to Phoenix pack we met a crowed of werewolves outside the pack house all in groups and whispering amongst themselves.
I had my fingers crossed my way here, maybe it was all a misunderstanding.

I made my way through the sea of werewolves and into the pack house, pushing aside anyone who stood in front of me. I wanted first to check my room just to confirm if by chance Raven was in there but I had wasted enough time already trying to get here.

"Drulock is it true what I heard? "
I asked bursting into the meeting room.
Raised brows stare at me from all corners.

"Take a seat"
Drulock spoke, his voice was humorless, drenched in anger though his facial expression was perfectly calm

"How did he get away?"
I asked as soon as I sat down, I couldn't control my nerves, why did Raven have to runaway, he just complicated everything, I already planned it all out, how we would both escape the night of the ritual, completely disarming Drulock
"I leave Raven alone for a day, just one fucking day and this happens" I said, pulling on my hair

"I feared that something like this would happen, that's why I asked you to get close to him and in your absence Luca was supposed to keep a close eye on him, I am afraid we underestimated Our little Raven"
Drulock spoke, bringing his fingers up to his mouth
I looked around the meeting room and Luca was no where to be found, no doubt that he's already being brutally tortured somewhere.

"We have to make a move fast, we need to find them, we can't waste anymore Time"
Venira spoke and Drulock nodded in agreement

"It would be pointless trying to find them, they could be anywhere in the world right now"
Another member of the council spoke

"They couldn't have gone far"

"with the nature of his powers he can be on another planet if he wants"

All their arguing is making my head spin, I can't lose Raven like I did Elijah...

Drulock slammed his hand on the large dinning table and the room went quiet. Venira rested her hand on top of his in her attempt to calm him down but it was pointless, sometimes she over estimates her importance. She's his 58th mate, really isn't that special anymore.

"Our entire pack could have become immortal but we allowed this opportunity slip from right under our noses"
Drulock spat
"We won't search for them..."
He continued , an all too familiar expression on his face, the same one he had on when he first heard about Raven

and when he found out about Elijah...

"I am sorry Alpha, I am afraid that I do not understand what you mean, the blood moon is two nights away, we have to complete the ritual"
I asked confused then Drulock let's out a wicked chuckle

"Oh Cuthbert, you seem to have lost your charm, you used to have a wicked mind when it came to these kind of things"
Drulock commented, making me clench my fist
"It's Raven and an injured wolf, There's only one place that Raven can possibly go, that is back to his old pack"

I shook my head "I doubt that, Raven practically hates moon bound now, he owes them nothing!"

"Them no, his mate...yes"
Drulock pointed out

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