Prt2: Chapter 5

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Raven's POV

I have been spending the rest of my evenings with Cuthbert. When he wasn't too busy he'd drive me to town, he showed me some of his favorite places to play pretend human. Which includes this coffee shop that makes the best coffee I've tasted.

"You have something here" he gestured pointing to my upper lip, cleaning some of the cream that stuck to my mustache with his thumb then proceeding to licking his thumb like it was nothing.

I was shocked at his gesture but he continued eating his muffin like it was nothing so I let it slide.

"oh my goddess, here you should definitely try this" He moaned, mouth full of muffin. stretching out his muffin to me "Go on, take a bite"

I examined it for some time before proceeding to take a small bite. The sugary goodness exploded in my mouth making me with wide eyes
"waw that's so good" I stated stretching out my arms for another bite but he shook his head childishly
"go get yours"

"come on just a little bite"
I pleaded only making him laugh

"a minute ago you were reluctant to living the pack with me now look at you, this is the first time I'm seeing you express other emotions other than your usual Serious dude with occasional sarcastic breakouts" He stated dropping the muffin on my plate.

He was right...i couldn't deny it even if I wanted to because once this moment passes I'll reset back. The last time I had this much fun was with Dominic even though this can't compare to what I experience with Dominic.

"So, your Mate....where is He? "

My eyes widen when he uses a male pronoun
"What are you talking about? "
I suddenly wasn't as comfortable as I was a minute ago

"You said you haven't found your mate, I don't believe that. The nature of your powers alone can only be awakened fully after you've found your mate, and seeing as you are currently in a coffee shop sharing a muffin with a guy something tells me that it's a guy... So who do I have to kill for you to be mine? " He chuckled

His choice of words, I couldn't tell if he was joking or not, he has this childish expression permanently glued to his face

"I don't know what you mean "
I selected my words carefully. Cuthbert rolls his eyes then relaxes back on his chair

"You can tell me anything Raven, I opened up to you about my mate, I trust you and I need you to know that you can trust me too, we are friends you know that right? "
He rested his hands on top of mine and I subconsciously pull mine away

I shifted on my seat uncomfortably before finally saying "it's complicated"

"More complicated than killing your mate as proof of loyalty to the Alpha?" He asked with a raised brow

I see his point...
But how do I tell him that I think I'm mated to my best friend who is also going to be my Alpha, but the things is he is mated to a girl I used to crush on...

...That's exactly how I told him and for the next few seconds he was quite and I become worried because his head was slowly turning red like he was holding his breath...

"are you okay?"
I asked him, concerned
He nods his head with his eyes closed and before I knew it he erupted into a laughing fit, kicking his legs all over the place.
His laugh was not pretty.

We soon began to gain the attention of all the other people in the coffee shop

"I am-sorry"
He says with a hand over his mouth "sorry..."

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