Prt2: Chapter 13

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Ravens POV


His voice laced with what sounded like regret, but of course he's a master at manipulating people so I won't fall for any of his tricks

"Look, I know that you might have heard a lot of horrible things about me but please just hear me out" he stretch's one hand forward like i am some kind of wild animal that he's trying to tame
"Just hear me out...please"

I might have hesitated because he took me by surprise at first but I didn't waste anymore time before leaping his way with my claws unsheathed.

I stopped mid air, landing on my back when I felt  a sharp pain that travelled round my entire body and finally settling on my chest, it is hard to describe, it is the worst pain that I've ever felt, it felt like my insides would explode and my rib cage was compressing my lungs. I curled into a ball with my hands behind my head, claws threatening  to dig into my skull.

I Yelp in pain, all that I could think about right now was Dominic

"So it is true, your mate is alive..."
Cuthbert let's out a humorless chuckle, finding his way to where I was laid

"You hurt me Raven" he said "I had it all planned out, our big escape, I said I wouldn't let anything happen to you" he whispered with a frustrated sigh
"Why didn't you just wait for me?"

He's a psycho, it's hard to believe this man drenched in what smells like alcohol was the same person who took me to town and who'd tell me stories about all his scars in the garden of mates

"I like you Raven i really do... yes you are not my mate but all that can change. I mean why should the moon goddess get to decide who we fall spend the rest of our lives with" he brings his hands up to my hair and strokes if softly

I yelled,  finally able to form words amidst all the pain that threatened to turn me inside out

"No no no!!!"
He brings his hands up to cover his ears as he begins to pace round where I was laid
"I never lied to you, I told you that Phoenix pack has done things that I'm not proud of to stay at the top, I did, I did..."
He repeated to himself
"You on the other hand said you wouldn't judge me you lied"
He squats in front of me before proceeding to lay down completely
"But I forgive you, you didn't mean to do it, it's all because of Drulock, that bastard. Don't worry once we are done attacking Moon bound and I've killed your mate we'll be together forever okay, just you and me"

I stare at him in disbelief
" you are crazy"
Now the main question is did he just lose his mind or has he always been this maniacal

"Crazy in love with you! I've already lost Elijah I'm not losing you too"
He picks himself up from the forest floor
"You have already interrupted my plan once, you won't do it again"
He brings out a Syringe from his pocket

"No stop what is that... Cuthbert?"

I almost didn't feel the needle pierce my skin seeing as I was already in so much pain
I wasn't too worried about the content of the syringe i would be able to glow myself back to factory reset once I stop feeling this heart ache
He should know that...

"I can't allow you be part of the war that is coming"

He was cut short by a flash of light that ambushed him from the behind the bushes

"Raven are you alright?"
Ozi ran to my side
"I'll go after him"
He said but I stopped him before he was able to

The pain suddenly seized so I guess that Cuthbert was long gone by now
"There's no use" I said to him
"He injected me with something, I have to get it out of my system"  I stated feeling a bit dizzy

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