Prt2: Chapter 11

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Raven's POV

"Is that who I think it is?" A lady dressed in a bright yellow flower print gown hurries towards us as we arrive at a cabin far away from Drulock's territory, or any territory that I know of. It was literally in the middle of no where.

"I need help here, Ozi is badly hurt" Neon gently lays the werewolf on the floor

"Ozi, so that's his name...any relations to the fire lord from avatar?"
I mentally facepalm myself
This is not the time to be making jokes Raven.

"Is He alive?" flower prints lady asked standing behind Neon

"I don't know goddammit! Get me a towel or something we have to get these arrows out some how" Neon snapped "I have wasted enough time already trying to convince that one to come with me"  He glares at me.
I don't blame him though, I gave him a though time on our way here, I turned back countless times midway through our journey here.
I hope Cuthbert finds the tracks I left on our way

The least I can do now is help Ozi...
I paused hesitantly for a second before stepping forward, I should probably just stay out of their business but I feel partly responsible for leaving Ozi there that day. He kinda saved me by providing a distraction for me to run away that day, which I'm sure only got him into more trouble.
"let me help him"
I blurted out and they both stare at me in confusion.

I knelt down beside Neon and placed my hands on Ozi's neck to check for a pulse
"He's alive, well barely" I stated, before allowing my hand to rest on his chest

"Hey! What are you doing?"
Neon grabbed my hand but his grip loosened when Flower print girl gives his shoulder a gentle squeeze.

I focused on his weak heartbeat while taking deep breaths just like Drulock thought me. I began to feel dizzy so I knew it was working, this wasn't like anything I've felt trying to heal Drulock. I almost fall to the side but I was supported by Neon's frame. My hand was still placed on his chest, soon droplets of blood began to stain the wooden floor as it ran down my nose and ears. I wasn't seeing progress, the arrows have withered into white ash and a few of the opened scars have covered up poorly but Ozi was not responsive.

"Hey stop that, You're hurting Yourself"
Neon say,  tugging on my arm but I just couldn't pull away, I could feel myself connect with this unconscious werewolf in front of me like we were all pieces of a big puzzle.

My eyes rolled backwards and for a moment I lost all vision but i could have sworn that I saw Ozi begin to glow.

"Wow, How is he doing that?"

I wasn't able to identify the voice that spoke afterwards as my body came crashing down on the cold wooden floor.

Hello old friend


A part of me was hoping I'd wake up in Cuthbert's room and the nightmare of me running off with his dead mate was just that, a Nightmare.

"Neon come quick, He's waking up."
My brows furrow at that sound of flower print lady's voice

Nope, wasn't a nightmare...or maybe I'm still asleep

"Where am I?" My voice was barely audible

"Hey don't try to move" A guy with platinum blonde hair warned from behind me, placing his hand on my my back to support me as I tried to seat up

"How are you feeling?"
Neon marches into the room. It seems like his face was incapable of displaying emotions.

"I'm fine, my head hurts alot though" I replied, bringing my hand up to massage temple

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