Prt2: Chapter 9

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Dominic's POV

"You're crazy"

Luther said crossing his hands

"Luther" I scolded, placing a hand on his lap to prevent this from escalating into another big me, we've had a lot of those, mostly because Luther is just set on disagreeing with everything Cuthbert has to say.

"I am not baiting myself for hunters, you can do that if you want to, if you die in the process I'll just tell your dad you were tired of life anyway. count me out" He pouted

Cuthbert chuckled, shaking his head "Dominic It's okay if your companion is scared..."

"I'm not scared" Luther cuts him off "I am not scared of anything, I am not just suicidal. We don't know the grade of hunters that are out there, we can't just put ourselves out there so they chase us back here without carrying out some kind of research first, look some hunters anoint their weapons, some even use magic of sort.. Nah Bro count me out" Luther finished, He stood up then stormed out of the room.

I was mostly embarrassed among other things, my Dad could have asked anyone else to escort me, literally anyone! and he chose that jackass...who once again had a point.
Cuthbert suggested we all go for a run in the forest outside our territory to scan the area and if we run into hunters we bait them back to the joint pack territory were werewolves will be on guard, waiting ready to attack.

I pinch the bridge of my nose
"I am sorry about him" gesturing towards the exit

"It's okay, I doubt he'd have been of any help anyway" Cuthbert joked "so what do you think? If you're not okay with the plan we can always think of something new, I just think that this is the fastest solution seeing as the blood moon is only a couple nights away and I know for a fact that we'd like to spend it with our loved ones"

"yeah, I understand. It's a bit dangerous...scratch that it's very dangerous. But I am down, the sooner we get rid of the hunters the sooner we get to go home"

"You're right" He smiled "So it's settled, If you'd excuse me Alpha I will mobilize the werewolves" He bowed slightly before exiting the meeting room.

Is it wrong that I am hoping I don't make it back from the run?

Raven's POV

Something is off, something is really off.
The metal door was half opened and the guards weren't on post, which is the first time this has happened in all my multiple attempts to return, I began to think that maybe they were planted there or something.
As I approached the door the smell of blood hit my nostrils, I could identify claw marks on the door frame and signs of forced entry.

'Raven, this is a good time to get out of here before you get pulled into what ever happened here'
I thought to myself but it was like my body had a mind of its own, I proceeded to push open the door

"Hey you, Stop right there!"
A stern voice yelled from behind me.


I instinctively raise my hands above my head then turned around slowly.

"Hey guys" I forced a grin knowing fully well that my life was fucked, the last thing I need right now is to get on Drulocks bad side.
"I swear it's not what it looks like" I tried to explain to the two guards currently pointing torches at me then two bodies drop on the floor out of no where, sending splashes of blood in all directions.

Yeah, I'm totally screwed...

Dominic's POV

When we were sure we were close enough to the boundary, I took off my clothes and tossed them aside.
I turned to see Cuthbert unbuckling his jeans and taking them off completely. His back was littered with scars both small and large gruesome ones.

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