Prt2: Chapter 16

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~This is officially the longest chapter that I've written... we are getting closer to the end  :) ~

Dominic's POV

I walked behind Raven and Ozi as they made their way down the stairs that lead to the roof, It was difficult to hear what was being said from this distance but Raven seemed be extremely pleased.

'Get away from my mate'
my wolf grumble, i clench my fist in response.

I couldn't help this feeling of jealousy that threatened to rip me to pieces from the inside out.

A gentle squeeze on my shoulder diverted my attention from Raven.

Of course, Yuri.

I am not going to lie I actually forgot that she was walking besides me. She has been blabbering on about goddess knows what since we left the roof top. I almost felt bad for not paying attention to her, none of this was her fault, If anything she's just another Victim of what ever is going on between Raven and myself.


My eyes widen in fear as I looked ahead of us and he wasn't there. His scent was still strong so I know that he couldn't have gone far but not having him within eye range frightened me.
I wiggled free from Yuri's grasp, hurrying down the hallway, opening every door that I passed.

Where is he?

I knew that I was overreacting, I hoped I was,
But I know Raven, once he feels like his work here is done he'll disappear again and goddess knows I'll break down far worse than Casandra has.

I sigh in relief when I saw him and Ozi walking down the hallway that lead to his old room.

Does this mean that he's planning to stay for some time?
My expression brightens with joy

Or get some supplies for the journey ahead...

I mentally facepalm my self.

After pacing the hallway for what felt like 30 mins, Ozi finally stepped out and that was my queue to get closer.
I moved as quietly as I could, passing a few werewolves on the way. I tried to look casual but there was nothing casual about the way I was walking.

I stopped for a minute to bask in the sweetness of his scent that I've missed so much and can never get tired of

"You might as well just enter inside"
My heart almost flew out of my chest, when I heard Raven speak.
I summoned the courage to push the door open flashing a childish grin as I entered inside slowly

"Why did you follow me?"
He stared at me with a raised brow.

"Follow you? Ha! I- I wasn't - I mean I didn't, I could ask you the same thing, why are you following me - stalker"
I mentally face palmed myself so much I am sure there's a dent on my mental head.
He continued to stare at me with a raised brow before shaking his head

I looked over his bed and saw a bag of his old clothes spread on the floor.
"What are you doing ?"

"You've been in here a lot" he said as he continued to go through his bag "your scent is everywhere" I caught him smiling from the side of his lips

Was he pleased?

I took that as my queue to get closer to him
"Yeah, I clean it up myself...uhmm it's kinda like my safe space, I have most of my best memories in here..."
I walked to seat besides him and watched as he immediately became tense
"... with you"
I placed my hands on top of his to calm him down but I only succeeded in making me nervous as well.
So I tightened my grip, lacing our fingers. My hands are still slightly larger than his though his hands were rougher and littered with tiny scars. He squeezed back at mine, making me chuckle.

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