If I had one day to live, I'd like to write "thank you" to the world. Thank you for being such an amazing place to feel joy, happiness, disappointment, anger, and other emotions. Thank you for bringing people who are lessons for my life and for people who always love me without saying directly to me. Thank you for the time given to God until today. Thank you for bringing me into this world, may I always be a memory in the memories of those who have met me. I love you all.
9 Desember 2021.
Catatan Akhir Tahun 2021.
RandomBukan sebuah kisah, puisi, atau ungkapan manis yang membuat tenggelam dalam khayal sampai kelopak mata mu sulit untuk terpejam. Sekadar asumsi sampah- residu isi kepala yang rasanya mubazir jika dibiarkan larut bersama waktu. Slow update•••• hanya...