That's How Life Goes

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I've been reading a tweet from Sarah, she said

"things that used to make you happy anymore, you forgot when was the last time you looked at them.

And not because you wanted to, it just happened so naturally.

And when you finally take a last look at them, although the sparks aren’t there anymore, you’ll smile. You’ll think about how happy they’ve made you before.

But their part in your life has come to an end, and now it someone else’s turn to become happy with them. And that’s life."

Yes, that's a fact. It's a fact that everyone should accept that we can't have lasting connections and relationships with everyone we've ever met. Some bring you happiness, sadness, disappointment, pain, and so on. And right now you wanna hug some precious person and say "hey, i miss you", but maybe you can't do that anymore and let it all go without ever seeing each other at some point, it's ok. Everything that has been present in our lives will eventually only become a 'memory', they're stored forever in our brains. They're integrated with our lives in the past, we may not be able to reach back. We can only exhale slowly while saying "that's how life goes, hope they all live happily."

-Nov 6, 2021.

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