Chapter Eight: Divorce? Oh hell no!

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Rosalinda's POV

I had all the divorce papers in my hand, signed appropriately by me and now I needed to go over to the house to get Sam to sign them. I was sure that he already had some other woman in there, maybe multiples. I was sure that he was going to open the door, realize that he was still married and sign the papers in a hurry right in the doorway to get back to a mass orgy right in the house I had so lovingly bought and decorated with him. I closed my eyes against the image. This trip was going to hurt worst than anything I've had to face. To watch him so carelessly sign these papers.

It was going to break my heart. But that was what I was counting on.

“I'm going over to the house to let Sam sign these” I said quietly, going to Dean's home office to let him know I was leaving. He looked up in a snap, standing as well.

“You're going over to your house? Alone?” he asked, hurt shining in his eyes.

“Yeah but just so he can sign these. That's all, I swear” my voice stayed quiet.

“Can I come? Just to make sure there's no drama?” he pleaded, coming over to stand in front of me. I snorted.

“There's not going to be any damn drama. Sam kept forgetting he had a wife when I was there constantly. It's been a few days. I'm sure he has some other woman in our bed by now” I tried to keep the agony of those words out of my voice. But how could I? He reached out and took me in his warm arms.

“I'm sorry this had to happen to you. He doesn't deserve you” he murmured in my hair, squeezing me tight because I needed it. I held off the tears and hugged right back. We stayed like that until I felt an urgency to get this done and over with. Why prolong the healing process? I let go of Dean but it took him a minute to be able to let me go.

“Good luck” he said. I nodded and went out to my car, really dreading the moment when I would have to see Sam again.

The house still looked the same. I don't know why but I half expected it to look like a complete pig sty, with some women in the front yard and a hot tub off to the side. Kinda like the scene after a really great high school house party. I stepped out of my car, making sure the papers were still secure in my purse before knocking on the door.

Sam's POV

I was dozing on the couch in my favorite robe and boxers. Ronnie, my guy BFF, came over and made me take a shower and eat. He left a few minutes ago and I was feeling worst than ever. I was so lonely and empty without her. Why couldn't I have realized that sooner?

A knock on the door jolted me awake. I sighed, hoping that it isn't another woman who's heard I was single.

I opened it and what do I find? An angel from above.

“Rosie!” I shouted, making her jump. I surged forward and hugged her as tight as I could. I hoped against hope that she found it in her heart to forgive me and that she wanted to be back together. In that moment when I held her, I was enveloped in peace and happiness with all the hope in the world.

“You came back” I breathed in her hair, smelling it again for the first time in days and finding that it didn't smell right. She usually used a shampoo that smelled like lavender and lilies. She was using something else that didn't smell bad but that I instinctively didn't like because it was different. I pulled her in our house, feeling her resistance. I paid it no mind and closed the door.

“I just came to-” I didn't give her a chance to finish. Soon as she opened her mouth, I swooped down and claimed her lips. I took her in my arms, feeling her hands on my chest trying to push me away. Again, I paid no attention to this because if it did, it would burst my little bubble of hope. I picked her up, kissing her like my life depended on it and I collected my sweet reward. She moaned into my mouth, eyes closing in bliss. I felt the victory of a conqueror. She parted her lips, letting me taste her. I'd forgotten how good a simple kiss could feel. I had to let her go eventually though so I gently let her back on her feet. She had the expected dazzled look on her face and she had dropped her little purse she had made herself out of leftover patches of fabric. I picked it up for her.

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