Chapter Forty-Four: Touching Him

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Memory Continued

It was easy, almost too easy, to get him to strip. His shirt came off with little difficulty, his kisses increasingly eager. I reached down between us to undo the button and zipper to his jeans. He pulled away from the kiss only for a minute, to stare at me in total surprise.

I took advantage of that. Promptly, I started to slide down, kissing his neck, sucking hard on the side. I wanted, no needed, to make everyone see that he was mine. When the area I was sucking became darker, I smiled inside. Perfect. He moaned quietly, a slight disturbance in the air.

When I was satisfied with the hickey I branded him with, I moved on. I picked a spot near his jaw and sucked gently. He sucked in a breath.

He didn't ask me anything anymore. I think he knew where I was going with this now.

I stared at his chest, heaving with the breath he managed to draw in his lungs. I don't think I could ever get used to it, to be honest. Every time I really took him in, I was struck anew by how weird we were. How did he possibly fall for me? He was honest to god the hottest man I've ever seen.

That strengthened my resolve. Why the hell would he stay with me if I never gave him release?

I licked his abs. I mean, hell. They were begging for it. I took my time, sucking on the ridges and rubbing my nose gently through his happy trail. He rewarded me with a small moan.

His skin was so warm. I loved it. I wanted to lay my head right on his stomach and keep it there for as long as I possibly could. For having such a nice tummy, I gave him a little nip and moved down. I know that he didn't need much to get started, hell he was already straining against his jeans.

I was a little scared. I don't know why or of what but I was definitely apprehensive and I stared at the bulge in his jeans, stalling in a way.

Well, what the hell. If I didn't go through with this now, I was a definite tease and even I'd want to slap myself.

I closed my eyes, hoping it would make my unease go away, and I unbuttoned him.

I could feel Dean staring at me closely. Did he sense how nervous I was?

“We don't have to do this” he murmured, voice low and unbearably hot. I didn't open my eyes but I did unzip him, cutting off him next words.

Why the hell was I apprehensive? Any girl would kill to be on her knees for Dean. He was so hot and he was the perfect boyfriend.

I told myself to get a grip and opened my eyes.

He sprung free with minimal effort. He wasn't wearing underwear. Did he run out of laundry? That had to be it.

I swear, I'm thinking the weirdest things...

A pained groan brought my attention back to the matter at hand. Dean's hands were gripping the sheets tightly, likely to keep from forcing me to speed up.

I took a deep breath and gripped him tightly in one hand. Counting to ten, I dove and took the tip into my mouth. Dean's hips nearly bucked off the bed. He moaned loudly, his knuckles turning nearly white in his effort to hold himself back.

“Babe,” he panted, “stop teasing me”.

I licked all around it, sucking at the little bit of fluid that was leaking out from the top. That made him groan and one of his hands tangled itself in my hair. He didn't yank on it or anything but there was a bit pressure to press my mouth down a bit more.

I took my mouth completely off him, to his strained protest, and licked my palm. After that, I gripped him tightly again and started to stroke him slowly, up and down, squeezing near the base. He made these little noises, deep down in his throat, that only spurred me on. I licked the head of it while stroking a little faster and he tried to move his hips to my rhythm. I took a hand off him to try and press his hips back on the bed, an action that he had done to me quite a few times, and he got the hint. His thighs were tense, coiled up tightly underneath me.

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