Chapter Eleven: Going Down Hill Fast

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After that dream, things went downhill fast. School was an absolute nightmare and it was all due to two people. Let me explain.

The one and only time I had ever been touched by a guy (before Dean was mine) was when this one guy Chris smacked my ass and he ran like the hounds of hell were chasing. I know I don't paint myself in a very flattering way in that scenario but I was super pissed and surprised. I just had to know why he did it. I was no one. He was admittedly somewhat hot and I had a minor crush on him. I mean, even after he did that, I went through the rest of the day with a smile on my face. That was freshman year. Since then, things went out of control.

He flirted with me, making me have hope that maybe he could be my first, well, everything. But he was a sophomore, I was in advanced classes, and when he found out I was a year younger, he backed off. Completely.

Bitterness started to creep into me after that and it seemed that wherever I went, he was there. And I always embarrassed myself in front of him, making me seem like a complete dumbass. I didn't do well with embarrassment. I would never be one of those girls who were confident enough to deal with everything with grace. I grew to hate him even more. But I had always carried a soft spot for him in my heart. I still held that crush.

But the last nail on the hate coffin happened one day after school.

I was rushing into a Mc. Donald's because I really had to go to the bathroom. The door that I used to get in required me to run across the drive through lane and they clearly had a sign that said, 'Look out for any passer by'. Maybe you can guess where this is going.

So I finished my business in the bathroom and walked out of the Mc. Donald's. Shannon was waiting for me in her car and, having seen me, honked loud and obnoxiously, in a hurry to get home.

I looked both ways of course, before crossing and I saw the last person I ever wanted to see. Chris was driving this gay cherry red car, talking to this girl in another car next to him. He had friends inside the car and they were all having a grand time mingling with each other. They held up the drive through lane but no matter, they kept on talking. Since I figured they'd be there for a while yet, I started across both of their cars with a snort.

Chris decided that was prime time to start moving his damn gay car.

That sonofabitch almost ran me over!

With my best evil bitch eyes, I glared at him and his stupid, obnoxious friends and got in Shannon's car. That day was one of the most embarrassing I remember.

If I ever saw him in a dark alley and I had a bat or gun or something, I wouldn't hesitate for a second before hurting him. Maybe you think that's a little out of line but trust me, you haven't heard the whole story. I'm not overreacting a bit. Besides, he almost ran me over!

The other person I hated beyond anything was my dean (kinda like a principle). She was the single biggest bitch I had ever seen in my entire life. To say I hated her would be a severe understatement. She was the reason I might not even graduate.

I missed a lot of school, mostly because of work, but I was always able to get my late homework done and I stayed a straight A student. Until I got her as my dean.

She put me on this attendance contract saying that if I didn't have a doctor's note for every day I wasn't there, I couldn't make up the homework.

I considered myself pretty frigging intelligent, certainly more intelligent than the average dumbass in my school, but not even I could keep up my good grades if I was never able to turn in anything late. I just kept falling in a deeper hole; I couldn't stay afloat.

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