Chapter Twelve: A Functional Zombie

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It had been about four weeks later and I was sleeping in my car. Even though it was almost summer, the nights remained cold. Especially because I was near a lake.

The first night after I ran away, I laid down by the lake and slept there. It was close to my old apartment and I was so young, I didn't know where else to go.

So it was only natural that I would return there when I didn't know where to go.

I guess it was reassuring somehow even if I never ever wanted to see my mother's face again.

You remember those stories adults tell kids to scare them? Like the boogeyman and things like that. Kids have nightmares about those things. Me? I used to have nightmares about my mom.

I hated her so much. But I stuck by her because I still loved her. She was still my mother, even if she was a complete monster.

I got by every day of my childhood, not wanting to even look in a mirror because I only saw my mother's face quickly emerging. I made my own lunches, avoided TV because I heard it makes you stupid and I wanted to be smart. Every since I can remember, I had the burning need to be anything but my mother.

I looked so much like her, I had no traces of my father at all. I suppose that's a good thing.

The lake by the apartment was a peaceful place, one of the only ones I have ever found in my life. When I was little, I used to stay away from the apartment at any cost and on one of the day where I was just wandering, I found this place.

The city was pretty polluted but the lake managed to at least look clean. My apartment building was dirty, disgusting and in serious need of repair but this little spot was a sanctuary.

This place has heard all my problems, it's held me through every hardship, and its covered the sound of my heavy sobs. Once I move, I'll really miss it.

It only logic that I come here while I finish school.

But logic must have completely escaped me when I told Dean about the lake.

“Rose! Open up!” he shouted at me, banging on my window. I shivered, it was still early and cold, cuddling deeper in my blanket.

“Go away” I mumbled.

“No. Open the damn car before I break in” he threatened. I believed that he could break in. I mean, really, what guy in this part of the city didn't know how to break in a car? It was child's play.

“Fine” I grumbled, clicking the button on the passenger seat side to open the door.

He jogged over and slid in, bringing more of the chilly air. I burrowed deeper in my blanket. It wasn't anything special, just cotton Spongebob. It was my blanket when I was a child and needed comfort. My mother wasn't born with that instinct, she was toxic so I turned to Spongebob for comfort and understanding.

He gave it unconditionally.

“Why are you sleeping in your car?” he asked first, starting up the car and turning up the heat when he noticed my increasingly violent shivers.

“For kicks” I muttered. He snorted.

“Are you going to tell me the truth at any point?” he was getting frustrated.

“Probably not” I told him honestly. I was still shocked that he had actually come here. I didn't want him to know any more about my life. He needed to butt out of it.

“You know that there are ways I can persuade you” he murmured. I shivered. Again, I believed him. One did not live the man whore life without picking up a few tricks.

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