Chapter Thirty-Nine: Twelve Year Old Savior

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It was simple but had a few dangers. On one hand, we'd be able to see when Ricky's parents finally leave the house. On the other, it was risky, there was a high chance of getting caught and it wasn't even foolproof.

This whole scheme depended on us not getting caught by the parents. If they did, it was game over. No amount of convincing lies would cover the suspicion and I wouldn't get another chance to screw Ricky's life like he did mine.

The fate of this whole operation rested on one kid.

You heard right. We were hiring a young spy.

Dean suggested it, saying that the apartment across from theirs might be able to spy on them for the right price. When we dug a little into the identity of our possible spy, we struck gold. It was a little kid with adoptive parents. It was perfect. Who would suspect a kid of doing anything fishy? Our plan had a hole in it though.

He, the kid, wouldn't be able to spy while he was in school and he would be suspicious on the fact that he would inevitably have to keep opening the door every time he hears someone outside. That's pretty fishy behavior; behavior that begged questions we couldn't answer.

Those were two things that we would have to deal with. There was no other way.

So, since Ricky's parents didn't recognize him, Dean went over to the building to see if the kid was willing to play along.

I waited anxiously at home. My revenge plans depended on so much. There was a fools chance of getting that knife in time for it to matter in the first place and there was the chance that we wouldn't get our perfect twelve year old spy.

But what choice did we have?


Dean's POV

I was nervous. How could I approach the kid without giving off pedophile vibes? It was the hard part, finding out some way to get close enough to the child without setting off any internal alarms.

I found out two things very quickly. One was that the boy's adoptive parents were completely useless. The other was that this might be a little easier than I thought.

And this kid might have the answer to a question I've had for about two years now.

When I got to his apartment, the kid, or I assumed it was the kid, was sitting outside. He was slumped against the wall right next to the apartment door. Was it our kid?

“Why are you sitting outside?” did I blurt that?

The kid looked up and I was struck by the kid's big, innocent eyes. They were a dark brown, hard with experience but keeping dear the innocence of childhood. As I watched, those eyes became vulnerable, only for a second but it was enough.

“What's it to you?” he asked, turning to the white wall opposite him. I sat down.

Unwillingly, I could take advantage here.

I was a businessman. It's what I did.

But never did I actually feel sympathy for the people I was trying to persuade (for lack of better word). I wanted to hug this kid.

It wasn't as creepy or weird as it sounds, believe me. I've wanted to be a father for a long time now and those eyes drew my protective instinct like no one else could.

Except Rosie of course. She was my weakness and my strength.

But let's not get into that.

“Nothing. Just wondering” I answered. Silence fell between us, heavy with words that wanted to be said but were held back with pride.

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