Chapter Forty-Nine: It's a Set-Up

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Memory (but you should know that by now)

I didn't like her. At all.

I knew she was still coming to the house. I knew that she was trying to make me jealous. But what really ticked me off was that Dean seemed almost oblivious to it.

He was free to move around as he liked now and he was trying to look for a job. Of course, he was having absolutely no luck.

And rent was due. And I had to rent my stupid books soon.

Being a grown up sucks some major donkey ass. Especially now that I was actually on my own instead of leeching off of someone else. I wasn't self-sufficient until now.

I blew out a sigh in frustration as I walked away from my last table. It was late, nearly the end of my shift, and Nicky was the only waitress here. Vicky was, thank God, at home sick.

It saved this week from being a nightmare. Ruby was hanging around the apartment every single goddamn day and doing her best to make it seem like there was more going on.

I mean, I hoped she was only putting up an act. I'd like to think that after all we've been through, Dean wasn't going to turn out to be quite that big a scum bag.

"What's wrong, sport?" Nicky sighed, leaning against the counter next to me.

I made sure to keep half an eye on my table in case they needed something.

"Financials, you know. I don't think I'll be able to make it this month" I sighed.

A waitress mainly lives off tips and here, people weren't exactly generous. I'd need another job that paid better. My current other job was part time and below minimum wage.

Or I could, in a perfect world, quit both jobs and get a better one than both. But I mean, come on. At least this job I could more or less control how much I got (and I mean tips here). Plus, I had Nicky. It was nice to have a friend. I wasn't about to give that up unless my arm was twisted.

"Yeah. I know what you mean. It's hard to make it sometimes" she sighed.

She had an apartment with one completely worthless boyfriend. He worked part time but his money went to his ex. I had no idea why, I didn't ask (I'm guessing it has to do either with blackmail or a baby), but there it was. Nicky confided that the only reason she really kept him around was because he was great in bed.

I didn't pry too much into that.

I guess it was hard to get a guy who was good in bed. At least it was for Nicky, who was a gorgeous girl and an outgoing one at that.

Hell, I wouldn't know. It's not like I really concern myself with finding a guy great in bed.

I mean, Dean had to be good, right? With his little player ways, he must have picked up tricks on how to please a woman.

It would be a huge disappointment if it turns out that he sucks.

But that's topic of discussion for another day.

"I've never asked but do you work another job?" I asked, a little curious. I mean, she's practically in the same boat as I am. Maybe she knows somewhere that pays a little better.

She just looked at me, sizing me up.

I bristled a bit. I haven't gotten any looks like that since my first day. It was odd to say the least.

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